Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do PE pills actually work? If so could someone recommend to work along side JELQ?

Do PE pills actually work? If so could someone recommend to work along side JELQ?

Hi All,

I’m new to this, I’m guessing this thread may have already been posted but if someone can help me here and point me in the right direction that would be great.

I am planning on starting PE excercises, however as all things being equal you can’t just rely on that. Are there any natural pills that can be taken to assist in this?

Thanks in advance.

PE Newbie Member.

Hey nuance78,

welcome. I’ve tried vig rx and I would have to say as far as trying to get a bigger dick from it, forget it. They are a vasodilator, and I noticed a “slightly” bigger flaccid hang while using them, but as far as really increasing the size of your dick they don’t work.

Funny though, even after the first two months supply was gone and I knew it didn’t work I ordered a second two months supply, and guess what? :( still didn’t get any gains after a total of four months using the stuff.

All the posts I’ve read regarding pills have all said about the same thing, don’t waste your money. (You can do a search using the search key for your own benefit)

The good news is, I was later able to gain size after I found this site by using the techniques given here (for free), but it did take a long time, about 1/4 inch every 3 months.

Good luck.

Thanks Goingforit

Hey thanks for the advice, I see so many different online adds such as extagen and stuff and it sounds all too good to be true so I don’t wanna waste my money on them.



I second GFI’s advice….keep your cash in your pocket.

Everything you would ever need can be found here at T’s…for free!

BTW, good to see another Aussie member!

Hi Andrew69

Hey Andrew,

Glad to meet another aussie on board, its sort of hard and embarassing to really talk about these things but I’m glad thee is a site that openly discusses these issues. I don’t understand the stats your wrote, sorry to sound dumb but i’m sorta new to this so.. is the 5’4 inches? and your saing your now 7 inches… bloody hell is that really possible and how long did it take?

I tried VigRx and another pill, can’t remember the name right now, and neither did anything. The only good thing that came out of the pills was, while searching and reading about them, I found Thunders Place.

Originally Posted by nuance78
Hey Andrew,

Glad to meet another aussie on board, its sort of hard and embarassing to really talk about these things but I’m glad thee is a site that openly discusses these issues. I don’t understand the stats your wrote, sorry to sound dumb but i’m sorta new to this so.. is the 5’4 inches? and your saing your now 7 inches… bloody hell is that really possible and how long did it take?

Yeah mate, it’s inches.
Check out the link in my sig. All will be revealed.

It can’t be said loud enough: PE PILLS OF ALL FORMS ARE A SCAM.
There is no get-rich-quick magic power pill you can take to get out of doing hard work.

The good news is that instructions on how to perform the hard work to achieve what you want is all on here if you read and think, and then get to it!
Welcome another fellow aussie, join the club!

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