Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do penis enlargement pills like VigRx and Extagen actually work?


Do penis enlargement pills like VigRx and Extagen actually work?

Like most of this stuff, it’s not been scientifically tested.You’ll notice at the bottom of the page that it states it has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, so draw you own conclusions.All I’ll say is that the more miraculous the claims made for these products - and the wider their range of alleged benefits - the more sceptical I am

Above is the answer which affirmed by one of the prestigious Web site: Men’s Health UK.

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No they don’t work. Do you think we’d be doing all this stuff (jeqing, hanging) if you could just pop a pill? lol

Repeat after me:

The pills dont work
The pills dont work
The pills dont work
The pills dont work
The pills dont work

And by the way, The pills dont work :lep:


I’ve heard of pills working for people. Who knows.

Ah, no.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Uh, yeah.

Wow! Maybe someone’s dick is so smoked out that they can’t get good wood. Perhaps a pill restores them to where they should be, but it doesn’t improve it. At best, which is very fucking rare, if at all, it is like tuning up your car with shitty plus and a new air filter. It MAY put you back to where you should be, but it won’t be a dual cross-over exhaust that improves performance for sure. Comprende?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I mean plugs as in spark plugs but plus like mid grade gasoline (plus in NJ) works just as fine.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


I am so tired of saying this.

The pills work ONLY in this way:

They all contain the same basic ingredients, with variations. Herbal semi-vasodilators, sometimes some Viagra-type PDE5 vasodilator thrown in totally illegally and not sanely from the point of view of general health. [If you are on a current medication that conflicts with a PDE5 vasodilator and you eat a penis pill containing even small amounts of a PDE5, you can get in real trouble.] And they often contain Yohimbe which can cause you anxiety, insomnia, and cause your blood pressure to go way up.

Result (after US $40 - $60. spent): You get a very temporary heavier hang when flaccid. You think, “WOW, I”M GETTING BIGGER!”

You ain’t any bigger erect than you were yesterday and your temporary heavier hang goes back very quickly to what it was before you took the pill.



Yup, that’s what I meant but different.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Check this out. http://www.zug. … enis/index.html

It’s a fun read.

I believe it’s been posted here before but before the guy was done taking them. Apparently they did work, just not as good as they promised.

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

It’s incredible what your mind can accomplish when you’re really convinced. The placebo effect should never be under estimated! And the bigger flaccid hang is great fuel for further placebo effect..

Even though I’ve never used them I can say there is no way that they do work. When you look at the ingredients the most any of these could possibly do is increase some circulation giving you the “possibility” of harder erections. Some people will mistake this for a size increase. If you want this you can just buy the active ingredient separately and save a lot of money.

I have my doubts about the pills. But they may work. However why spend your money when with a little bit of time and effort who can get the same results for free. Just like all those fat melter pills. Plus if you join Thunders you can meet all these nice people.

I did have a question along the same lines though. And maybe it should be in a new thread.

The new trans-dermal penis increasing gels. What if they work? If we used those for our lube when we are doing wet jelqs are results would come faster.

Someone buy some and try it and let us all know.

Maybe Thunder or one of the moderators can make up a couple of those nifty charts that allow us to compare gains with pills to gains without pills. All this yes/no evidence is anecdotal. It would be nice to see some actual statistics.

I feel like a bit of a sucker because I did buy some pills before discovering Thundersplace about a month ago. I’ve been taking them religiously, and have been sticking religously with my PE workouts. All I can say is I seem to be gaining. Is it the pills, the exercises, or the combination—who knows?


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