Thunder's Place

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Do you need to jelp AND stretch to gain length?

Do you need to jelp AND stretch to gain length?

Hey, one more question.

When you stretch the ligs is this gonna increase your erect length or just the flacid length?

Do you need to jelq to increase the actual penis to accomodate the lig gains???

Has anyone increase erect length with JUST stretching?

Someone please write back if you have any information.

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!

Stretching your ligs will increase both your flaccid length and erect length.

No you do not need to jelq to increase actual penis to accomodate the lig gains. Jelqing is more of a girth exercise rather than length. There are plenty of people who simply are looking for length and therefore just stretch. This usually includes stretching the ligs and the tunica. Many people have increased erect length with just stretching (from those who have gained length, I’d say maybe 90% of the gains were from stretching).

So in conclusion, you don’t need to jelq and stretch to gain length. To gain length, you mostly focus on stretching, girth you focus on jelqs. However, I’ve heard jelqing gives some (but VERY little compared to stretching) length gains.

Now: 8.5" bpel 6" eg Goal: 9.5" nbpel 6" eg (maybe more)

Hey Popp,

Thanks a ton for the replies, that really helped me out alot!!!

If you jelq effectively your will be stretching. The lower the angle you jelq the more you will be strtching the ligs.

The fact that jelqing is considered a girth excercise is a bit of a misnomer, it works both girth and length. With lower erections it works length more and with higher erections it works girth more (in theory).

Many but not all newbiews will find initial length gains easy becasue they are mostly stretching ligaments and this will be acomplished as a matter of course if jelqing overhand toward the ground.

If you only have time for one exercise its probably better to jelq rather than stretch.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey memento,

Thanks for the reply. The reason I’m asking these questions is ‘cause I’ve been doing PE for over five months with little stretching and alot of jelqing.

I’m not planning on quitting jelqing completely. I’m just thinking about cutting down to maybe 15 minutes after a stretching session. I used to do about 40 minutes of jelqing after a little stretching that I did.

The jelqing towards the ground sounds good though, thanks for that suggestion!

So do you think some intense stretching with only 15 minutes of jelqing will help me to gain about an inch in length?

Thanks again for all the information, helps alot!!!

40 minutes is too long. I prefer a 15min jelq session. In 15 minutes you can work hard all the way through and probably do all the work you are currently doing in a 40 minute session. IF you don’t want to avoid girth throw in a squeeze (horse 440, uli#3 or similar) every now and again.

If you are not jelqing overhand and toward the ground you are missing out on a great way to jelq and probably all chances of lig stretch gain byproducts.

I think if you do say 15-20 mins stretching + 15-20 minutes jelqing you will be on for good gains 2” is probably not unreasonable.

If you have a high lot stretch BTC. If you need to work the tunica consider v-stretches or similar.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey memento,

Thanks again for the reply.

Just a question about jelqing towards the ground. I just had a session and had some trouble jelqing downwards. The biggest angle I could jelq at was about 7 or 8 o’clock.

When you do the downwards jelqing, do you point straight towards the floor? And if so, how do you keep your erection while doing so? I had some touble keeping mine.


Jelq as low as you can go easily. If you sit with your legs apart on the side of a chair and use an overhand ok you can get pretty low.

If you are losing your erection change and go up for a while if that helps.

Try concentrating the thumb and fingers on the side of the shaft, you don’t even need a full OK just go with what ever is comfortable and experiment.

I always found that if I was losing my arection a bit when going up, switching to going down would help keep the expansion up.

Try rotating your grip too, often helps.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Memento, hi, I also have been jelqing with a very sharp down angle and it just maintain higher erection levels easier and a closer grip to the base ,although it can be tricky to keep your balls out of the way:-)

I still have problems maintaining a even grip a throughout though were as in a slighter angle it seems easier to maintain constant pressure.

How long should a beginner routine last : a month or two before moving on to more advanced exercise?

> I still have problems maintaining a even grip a throughout though were as in a slighter angle it seems easier to maintain constant pressure.<

Its probably best to jelq at an angle where you can keep a good even pressure throughout the stroke. This might have a lot to do with keeping a good quality erection which will relate to the general looseness of the ligaments and consequent erection angle.

>How long should a beginner routine last : a month or two before moving on to more advanced exercise?<

At least 2 months I think. You’ll notice a change in the penis within that time, it will gain more resilience to pressure and look a great deal more veiny. When you start doing the squeezes its easy to rush in and cause injury (I did this myself) so start carefully.

Jelqing is a primary exercise though its not something that should be seen as a beginners exercise, you’ll just get better at it as time passes and be able to add little tweaks to make it more and more effective.

Luvdadus still does the newbie routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I’ve achieved length gains by just dry jelqing.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Hey why do yous say to keep erection when to jelqing, isn’t it bad to have an erection when jelqing.


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