Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do your penis shrink in size from excessive masturbation and sex?


As of today,using Accu-Measure, my fat pad = .75”. I will report fat pad loss as I report my progress.

Getting rid of the fat pad will obviously help your visible penis size.
The answer to your sexual activity/penis size effect question is not so simple. I think sexual activity actually maintains/possibly increases flacid penis size appart from one aspect and that is ejaculation.

The size of the penis especially when flacid can be effected by testosterone levels. Levels of Testosterone do increase over time if you don’t ejaculate. I have experienced this and I think that the high levels of testosterone can cause the penis to be very slightly errect all the time, resulting in a slightly larger flacid state. I noticed that following ejaculation the penis seems to get smaller in flacid state, but does recover over the next few days without ejaculation.
That being said, if the masturbation session was a heavy one incorporating lots of edging say 30-40 mins and also ejaculation afterward the flacid state is not so small. It may be the penis is slightly swollen over the next few days due to the heavy work-out which counters the size loss due to lower testoserone level.

It stands to reason that the higher you can keep your testosterone levels high then the larger your flacid state which can only be a bonus in many ways. I would suggest you experiment with edging yourself and refrain from ejaculation when masturbating and see if it makes any difference to you. I think it will.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

I need some guidance guys, so please help. I’ve started on a newbie routine. Today marks the fifth session of my PE workout. When I do my stretching no matter how much I pull the skin back, it just keep getting in the way and I keep stretching the skin rather than the penile tissue (I am circumcised BTW). I was thinking to replace the regular stretching for JAI. Is this a good move to address my problem? Would I get the same length gain doing the JAI rather than regular stretching? I do about 300 3-4 seconds jelqs at medium grip and when finished I don’t fell like I have worked out at all. No soreness at all. Is there something I am not doing right? Should I increase the intensity of the grip?

This is the routine I have been following:
5 min hot wrap
5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5 min hot wrap

Schedule: 1 day ON / 1 day OFF

Well you’re going to have to stretch that skin too eventually. :) 5 days might be a little soon to be expecting to be fully used to the exercises yet, give it a bit more time, I’d say. Also try this: using an overhand grip (palm facing down), trap your glans against your palm with your pinkie finger (or pinkie and ring finger), pull your penis out straight, use your other hand towards the base to pull the extra skin back, once that slack is gone, grip with your index finger and thumb half inch to an inch below the glans with your first hand (I actually end up pretty close to the circ scar) and then apply the stretch. Also make sure you’re using some sort of gripping aid, like baby powder, latex gloves, toilet paper, etc.

JAIs are great, but I wouldn’t replace the regular stretches with them just yet, I’d add them to your overall routine later, I would suggest sticking to the newb routine as is.

Also, and people disagree with this around here, so take it with a grain of salt… I’d ditch the one day on / one day off routine. If you’re worried about overdoing it, then just take the intensity down a notch. My thought is that you’re not just training your penis here, but you’re training your mind, hand, fingers, arms, and everything else here to perform maneuvers you’ve never done before. I believe this learning, getting used to the exercises, comes easier if you do it daily. In addition, doing it daily makes it easier to get into the habit, builds solid discipline easier. Again, just one opinion on it.

Good luck.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.


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