Does anyone else get short, minor pains/twinges in their unit that go away quick?
Hey, just wondering if this happens to other people. I am always cautious about injuring myself and try to catch any small pains or abnormal issues with my unit as early as possible. I get these small irritations/pains when handling my unit, sometimes when massaging it and sometimes when feeling around it to make sure nothing is sore or painful after a workout. it is hard to tell what it is from. They last barely any time, they are just like a slight twinge, and then they are gone and can’t be replicated. My unit feels fine besides this. It is probably skin twisting, or hair catching on something, or sometimes since I am uncut the foreskin is dry and gives a twinge when it is moving around.
They arent very common, maybe a couple of times a week I feel them but they are gone right after with no lingering pain or symptoms. I am just starting PE so my chances of injury are higher since I am not conditioned yet so I want to be as careful as possible.