Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does sex increase penis size


Along with my “don’t use it, you lose it” observation… Not even theory. It is my opinion that high amounts of sex WILL equal a larger cock over time. It’s not due to a PE like effect, but it’s due to consistent and maintained expansion, and if you will RELAX more and allow that erection to be a raging expanding cock, it will take some growth… Some of you may know what I’m talking about.

I’m bumping this because in the last 5 months (of almost zero PE and tons of sex) my girth and length have gone up by 1/4 inch each. This may be just my EQ increasing, but still, a gain is still a gain.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Ive been drouted, so if I had an extra 1/4” in it from getting it wet in pussy then its all good. Yeah your erections are typically larger with sex with a woman due to the lust, excitement and hormones plus the feel of great pussy is good for your psyche and your cock.

I also think that sex greatly reflexes on size, I think that I gained a lil just from sex, but nothing serious. I don’t think that sex could cause serious gains but I’m sure it has great influence on penile health at all (which means on size also) :)


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