Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Doing Memento's Routine and had some newbie questions

Doing Memento's Routine and had some newbie questions

Ok - so here are my questions:

1) Is there a difference between an upward jelq stroke and a downward stroke? Which one would be better for length gains?

2) What would be the best exercise for that ridge that goes along the bottom of your penis? Not sure what it’s called but is usually prominent with a strong erection.

3) What feeling should you have when doing a v or inverted v stretch (and are there any major differences between the two)? Also how far should you take this?

Thanks again in advance.

I think it is called the corpus something… I have no clue either :) . If you have been at PE for a long time look up horse 440 squeezes. I believe this lead to the expansion of mine, it focuses on shaft girth.

If you have not been at it for at least a couple months do not try them it will more than likely result in an injury, they are intense as anything.

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Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

It’s not really a newbie routine. I hope you have a good 3 months PE under your belt.

1/ The difference is that with a downward jelq stroke you can get away with a lesser erection and you get to add a stretch to the end fo the stroke. If your switch between the two using upward strokes when your erection is hardest and downward strokes when it’s lower, that’s probably a good plan. You might find one direction more effective than the other but switching is still good.

2/ Clemski hits it and maybe clamping is an option with the same warnings about taking care and having a lot of experience.

3/ The feeling is hard to describe. There should be a feeling and it should be lower than pain. I’d call it a stretching feeling :) Generally a stretch you ease into after heating the penis well will be more effective than yanking on a cold dick. Yes there is a difference between inverted and normal V-Stretches. Check out the videos.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks a lot Memento, you’ve been very helpful.

Hi reggielewis,

I believe that in regard to your 2nd question, kegels have a great impact on a pronounced CS and a fuller glans while erect. I have no facts to back that up, but it has been my observation through experience.


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