Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Doubts about PE.Lets do the 100 day Experiment to find out if it really works


Doubts about PE.Lets do the 100 day Experiment to find out if it really works

Hi my name is “William”. Like most of you I’m not sure if this PE thing works, I believe that the guys on here , who run the show, are good people trying to help out but are their gains in length and width a result of better penile functioning or from actual “growth” or expansion of the inner structure of the penis. Like most of you I’m full of doubts and questions and because of this I have never really stuck with a PE program for the last two years. So let’s do the ultimate experiment. What I propose is that we do PE for 100days, record our results and post them to see if any of us have gained.

The rules of the game.

1) Like bodybuilding we must stick to a programme ( I’m will be doing just jelqs increases from 200 reps – 500 and up and stretching once a week).
2) Keep the tread clean don’t bring other topics into it. For example: “my dick is really sore” or what exercise should I do, that is for another post.
3) Don’t post your full dick measurements on. No one needs to know you sport an 11” just simply post how much you have gained in length and circumference (that way we stick to what is important and that is gains not how big we are. It also will make you more honest when reporting back)
4) Measure every 2 weeks and post your results (even if you experience no gains it get you into routine).
5) You can join my journey of discovery within 7days of this post , please don’t post results or contribute unless you start this on 10 March 2010 cause then the data we receive will come in batches and go on forever. So if you didn’t start this PE journey of 100day on this date then just follow what the guys are saying and take personal notes until you reach your 100 days .
6) The most important of rules: If you have ever been in to any sort of exercise or gyming you will know that you can’t start to big it just ends up hurting your muscles and brings on more damage than good. Treat PE as you would any other exercise, or like yoga. You must know your limits and your body. Your dick is much smaller than your muscles and it gets sore and needs recovery just like you would after a run. Warm up warm down and increase intensity as you progress. (The penis is not like the muscles in your arm it’s more like your heart muscle. What we are trying to do is to expand or grow the smooth muscle and increase blood flow into the penis not traditional muscle exercises; that being said treat it like a muscle you working at gym on).
Personal comments
Why am I doing this, well why you are reading this because you want to know if you can make it bigger than it is. I want people to do this with me because sometimes you can fool yourself; I’ve measure my dick 2” bigger than it is because I wanted it to be 2”inches bigger so you kind of manipulate your ruler. By doing this experiment it might tell the truth of whether Pe works and if it does then our time and effort can go into it knowing it will work.
Why do I want a bigger dick, well I’m just above average length and very much above average girth (a lot of guys are like this I think). It’s not that you need a huge one, trust me a girl can have a huge orgasm from just your tongue and fingers so it’s not going to make a women cum just from having big one, it just makes her excited I guess. I’m also doing it because it’s psychological, a big dick gives you a kind of I got one so I can pull my pants down when I want and be proud. It’s also exciting for girls and guys to see and it will make you feel manlier. This is what it will do for me, having a big dick does not mean any of the above will be true because that stuff goes deeper than that, but it’s what I’ll think. Remember that PE shouldn’t become you life it should become part of it. I do it when I take a bath, it’s like brushing your teeth. DON’t LET IT CONSUME YOU.
From experience I know that it improves you dicks health, put I’ve never been diligent enough to find out if it makes you gain.
So let’s do this and see where it takes us. If you are new to PE learn how to do it from the website. Note that I don’t think that it is wise for newbie’s to do advanced stuff, I’m not sure if hanging an iron bar from you manhood is a good idea, it maybe but I’m not ready to try it yet.let’s see what happens after our 1st 100 days.
NB follow a programme recommended on the site (the guys on here know a lot better what to do, than I do) At the end we can discuss what we did and how we did it to bring on the gains (that is if we do experience gains)
Thanks for reading
PS: if you want to ask me questions just send a message to my thunder profile (tombig123) and I get back to you.


04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

If I were a moderator I’d re-format so many posts here.

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

Ok I’m in.. So far been at the newbie routine a few days.

Harder erections, slightly better flaccid hang.

Originally Posted by Jawbone
If I were a moderator I’d re-format so many posts here.

That is not our job here, the job is to tell people what they did wrong that they evade doing the same mistakes in the future. It’s the same as telling you would fix all the shit your son makes in his whole life. I mean you would get sick of all that, right? That was only metaphorically speaking.

By the way Tombig123 100 days isn’t much if your a slow gainer. At least in my point of view, and one more thing. You really need to divide that massive text with the “enter” key. And some spell check wouldn’t hurt too.

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

Well I’m sorry if you think this is wrong .. Moderators but for some of us we can’t just take stuff on face value.. In my post I said read up on what you guys have to say. That way people get good advice but we can collectively see if it works (I’m not doubting it just skeptical) and maybe 100day is not alot but I think you will start to notice some thing after that long.. And I’m sorry for the english not being to good but not all of us on here are english some people speak other lauguages you try write this in french see how far you get.

Now this post was ment for people who would like to do this please keep it free for that. Thank you

Hey William Tombig, how is your campaign going to be more relevant than any other progress thread floating around at this site? Just because you initiated it? You cannot supervise how other people are doing their routine and how they report the measurements. So, how is this going to be different from all other “3 month newbie gain” reports?

Some may object that you have a too much jelq-oriented routine, while I object about you thinking to have discovered the wheel…

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Originally Posted by cervixhunter
Hey William Tombig, how is your campaign going to be more relevant than any other progress thread floating around at this site? Just because you initiated it? You cannot supervise how other people are doing their routine and how they report the measurements. So, how is this going to be different from all other “3 month newbie gain” reports?
Some may object that you have a too much jelq-oriented routine, while I object about you thinking to have discovered the wheel…


You just seem to come off as a bit brash and arrogant. We’ve been here a long time and have forgotten more about what works regarding PE, than you’ve learned at this point. This site is replete with evidence it works. Why do you think I’m still here. You’re more than welcome to do your “study”. The reality is most gain, but some don’t. What I do know is your 100 day fact finding mission, will not erase the gains it took years for me to achieve.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Great post Tombig123, your experiment will be very helpful for all the newbies so I hope you can make it all the way to the end. Good Luck!

Look I know what you guys are saying.. I dnt know better, .. And I know alot to.. I have a Honours degree in economics so I think I m a bit more on my game than most (statistical analyisis was a large part of my studies , it’s call econometrics) And data gathering is what I do, o and I did psychology 101 in my 1st year of study.. So I’m just looking out for myself and people who are new. Now stop taking this as a threat , no one is forced to do this with me it’s just a team effort which will be motivating and helpful to find out the truth.. But thank you your post are very good but you like it to much when people talk about your dicks ( I don’t like that but I don’t say anything cause it’s your post). People don’t trust stuff like this, so if we do it then we build trust and yes 100day may not be good but then we can ask you guys why we didnt gain when we followed your advise.. And maybe we do it for longer ok Moderators are you happy now

Originally Posted by Titleist

You just seem to come off as a bit brash and arrogant. We’ve been here a long time and have forgotten more about what works regarding PE, than you’ve learned at this point. This site is replete with evidence it works. Why do you think I’m still here. You’re more than welcome to do your “study”. The reality is most gain, but some don’t. What I do know is your 100 day fact finding mission, will not erase the gains it took years for me to achieve.

I like the last sentence of your post T. Newbies start here all the time and will always doubt and will continue to doubt until they see progress. I was skeptical but I always knew deep down that this worked for some reason, and that is why I never gave up. It took me a really long time to see some solid progress from PE and most men would of given up if they were me but look at it now, look how big it got. I never gave up though and neither did the others who put on some undeniable size. Thinking back on my first year, it would of been so logical and easy to just stop everything and curse this place and everyone in it but that would of been a big mistake.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Tombig, I agree with your idea to be honest, but it needs to not be on this forum. A scientifically validated experiment would be excellent in improving everyones motivation. However, no the moderators aren’t happy now, and neither am I. This is a forum where reading the forum guidelines is ESSENTIAL. And yes, we can see that you haven’t.
The way you type makes me feel like you’re stupid, honestly, and I know you obviously aren’t because of your university education but everything you say is still just invalid for me, your experiment does not have standing because it is too informal.
Since you probably won’t read the forum guidelines here they are in a nutshell:
Don’t hate, and type as though you were doing an assignment for uni.

That’ll probably get you through.

Edit: Damn I was too late, thunder found you already ;)

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Ok I will not say anything more.. I respect the time you guys put into this and ill be glad to donate alot of money if it works. But please dnt take the langauge barriers as arrogance, it cross culture misunderstanding .. To me it was very rude to get so upset at me for just trying to give new people common ground, just because I dnt trust you fully now does not mean I won’t ,it just means that like most I’m scared of being mislead there cannot be such a huge problem in just trying something.. But if you wish you may delete this post if it has cause your site to much trouble. I stated mearly my qualifications so that you to know that I’m not a fool, not to say if you dnt have a degree you are one but I could be helpful in away .yes? Ok last post I do have a life you know

To us your replies were very rude. So I guess we are even. Trying PE costs you nothing but time and effort. Give it an honest try for awhile and you won’t be losing much if it doesn’t work for you. Starting out with a negative attitude sure won’t help though.

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