Thunder's Place

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Dumb LOT question


Originally Posted by marinera
We believe in free speech, parrallelP :) .

V-strethes are good, with or without the LOT hypothesis.

They are good, I like them. And free speech is also good. I just wonder why something most people agree as ineffective would still be around.? Keeps these threads from starting, maybe.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG

It would be a sort of censorship I think, parallel. Vets have read and they give you their advice, saving your time. But you can read the whole thing and make up yor opinion. :)

Last edited by marinera : 01-09-2009 at .

There are some who still believe. I’d like to see the references in the Newbie stuff removed, but we have to be fair and let everyone decide for himself.

That won’t stop me from giving my point of view though. :D

No, both of you have good points. Sorry for sounding so naive! At least the LOT, if anything, will get people interested in more tunica-based exercises, perhaps.

As of 1/1/2009 - 6.25" BPEL // 5.0" EG


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