Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Either Or - which would you prefer


I’m 6.2 bpel, 5.2npbel with 4.99, blah, 5 girth. I’d take the full girth simply because if I lost the weight 6 inches isnt’ too shabby for length and a guy with 6 inches of girth is way more rare than a 7 length. Plus women would most likely have more “fun” with it. That and being a math+physics major the volume issue is pretty well slammed into my brain. Even if I had to lose an inch, 5 inches, 4 usable might seem short, but assuming I’d keep it in they still might feel it, at 4 inches around, I’m not so sure….

Definitely length for me. Started at 5 NBPEL.


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