Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enter the ziggaman

enter the ziggaman

Hello Thunders Place.

I am now coming towards the end of my third week of of PE. I have been training six days on, one day off. In my first week I started jelqing with about 100 reps and built up to 150. During the second week I built to 2-250. This week I have been approaching 300. I tend to use both hands, palm up and palm down in a constant milking style with each pull varying from 2 to 3 seconds. I have also done a little stretching.

I haven’t taken precise measurements but my erect penis varies between 5.5 erect and 6 on a good day. My girth measures approx. 5.

My ability to sexually satisfy a woman is extremely important to me on all sorts of levels. I realise that it is probably healthier to address issues of ones self worth like this on a more profound level and that wanting a bigger penis enough to pull on it for long periods of time is a symptom itself of something that runs a little deeper. However this is little comfort as I am sure most of you know. I desperately want a big dick!!

The main thing I have gained from Jelqing so far is a heavier and larger flacid member. Even at its most retracted my penis doesn’t seem to ever be as small as it could be before. This alone is quite encouraging; even if a woman has seen and has been satisfied to some degree with your erect penis it is still difficult to lie naked in front of her with a small flacid cock as opposed to one that lies proudly and heavily on it’s side.

No visible gains in erect size at present. I know. I know. Rome was not built in a day, but I must confess that I was hoping to be a fast gainer. From what I have read my being circumsised could hinder me in this respect.

I have tried to make a swim cap hanger to no avail. I am sorry to say I am useless at that kind of thing. If anybody is skilled at making these things and wants to make a few quid or if you know where I can buy a hanging device (surely you can buy something in a sex shop), I would be grateful.

Some small cause for concern perhaps is that although I don’t seem to have any problem getting aroused because of Jelqing, I don’t seem to be waking with erections as much as I have been previously. Also I haven’t particularly noticed an increase in the quality of my erections either. I think my dick could be a little tired. I will maybe increase my rest day to two rest days. What do you think?



do yourself a favor and do good reproducible measurements. That means bpel - work up a maximal erection and press the end of the ruler to the pubic bone, same spot every time. I recommend maximal “cheat”. (the posture that gets you the best number). The rationale here is that on subsequent measurements you won’t have false gains or false lack of gain due to “ruler creep” or small variations in measuring technique. bpfsl is even more consistent since it takes out the quality of erection from the variable (there can be a lot of variation in some men). To do bpfsl simply stretch out your flaccid and press the ruler to the pubic bone - again I recommend maximal “cheat”.

These types of consistent and reproducible measuring techniques may make the difference between realizing you got a 1/8” in length rather than nothing and quitting pe unnecessarily.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Wow! If I strectch it out like that and press the ruler right down to the bone I measure just over 6.75 or 6 6/8. I can see how that way of measuring will give a more consistent way of judging gains.

I take it that bpfsl stands for bone pressed flaccid stretch length? Is there a dictionary of terms and abreviations any where on the sight?

What are your stats luvdadus? If you don’t mind me asking. Have you made genuine gains doing PE?


>Is there a dictionary of terms and abreviations any where on the sight? <

PE FAQ and Glossary at the bottom of the page.

Make sure you get a good BPEL measurement and a good (unstretched) FL measurement.

Thanks Memento

Three things to try to improve your erection quality.

First, back off a bit on your jelqing pressure so that it doesn’t cause any discomfort to jelq.

Second, finish your routine with at least a 5 and preferably 15 minute or longer erection massage where you can enjoy the size benefit of your jelq session.

Third, kegel and then kegel some more. When you are done with that, do some more kegels.

Thanks gprent101, I will take your advice.

must look into the kegel thing as it all seems a bit vague to me at the moment.

Starting stats:
bpfsl 6.125
eg 4.875
bpel 5.875

Max stats:
bpfsl 8.375
eg 5.5
bpel 7.875

current stats (not actively pe’ing for some time):
bpfsl 8.25
eg 5.25
bpel 7.75

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Wow, luvdadus!!

Is there anywhere on this site where you detail your journey with PE. Those are incredible gains. Any before and after photos?

Originally Posted by ziggaman

Some small cause for concern perhaps is that although I don’t seem to have any problem getting aroused because of Jelqing, I don’t seem to be waking with erections as much as I have been previously. Also I haven’t particularly noticed an increase in the quality of my erections either. I think my dick could be a little tired. I will maybe increase my rest day to two rest days. What do you think?

Yes. I bet your dick is tired. 6/1 is a extremely rigorous routine for a newbie. You may want to try 3/1 or 5/2.

In that case bt, do you think the two days rest I am about to take is enough or should I maybe take a few more and then start a lighter routine?


Progress log for Luvdadus

Also read the thread on collected wisdom of vets and good gainers and my thread on flirting/seduction.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Everybody is different, zig. You may want to experiment with different rest schedules. In my first month, I did 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, and 5/2. I found 5/2 to be the best for me.

Hi Zigga,

As far as your rest days are concerned, I think you may be doing too many consecutive days, especially for a newbie. Try what bt suggests, Personally I like 2/1 or 3/1 for manual PE, and 5/2 for hanging.

But anyway, welcome to Thunders, nice to have another UK guy around (Mem: I think I got it right this time around! :) ).


Cheers fellas,

I will definately shift down a gear in my routine. It’s hard to remeber less can be more when your desperate to own a big wanger

BTW Melvin, thanks for the welcome; yes you did get it the right way round this time… fucker about the football eh?



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