Exercise for damaged frenulum
Hi to all,
I have a short question for you. Some week ago my frenolum partially broked, causing me some pain. I’ll have to go to hospital in three weeks, but I don’t want to stop PE!! I’m using the same routine I have before, using a lot of care, but sometime I feel some pain and the frenolum make some blood.
Do you have any suggestion about what kind of exercise I can do without stressing too much my frenolum? I don’t want to stop PE for too much time! I know I’ll have to stop it after the hospital for about 2 weeks, so I don’t want to loose another 3 weeks!
Thanks! Good PE to everyone!
11/03/05 +-15cm(5.90)BPEL *I'm not sure* 18/04/05 16.5cm(6.50)BPEL 15.2cm(6.00)NBPEL 12.5cm(4.92)EG 11.5cm(4.45)BPFL 10.5cm(4.11)FG MEDIUM GOAL: 18.4cm(7.25)BPEL 5.5EG 12.5cm(5.00)BPFL When I reach my middle/long term goal (7.5*5.5), I'll donate 100 to thunders, and I come in America to thanks personally all of you!^_^