Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extremely discouraged. 6 months and no results

Extremely discouraged. 6 months and no results

Well I never thought Id post one of these but this is my help thread.

I’m measuring at 5.5” BPEL and 4.5” girth. I’ve been doing the newbie routine for 3 months and went to the “normal” routine which consisted of 10 min warmup, 10 min multi direction stretch, and 20 min jelqing, then 10 min warm down. I would do 100 kegels a day throughout the day. My routine would be 2 on 1 off, sometimes 3 on 2 off.

It’s been 6 months and no gains. Nada. I am very discouraged. I get motivation from reading other peoples gain stories but I’ve yet to see any. The only gain I see is about 1” in flaccid hand it’s about 4 inches. But what good is a longer flaccid, without a longer length!

So I’m asking all the Thunder Gods what am I doing wrong? What should I do differently?

Last edited by whackbot30 : 09-13-2006 at .

Are you seeing a temporary increase in size post jelq?

Personally I think 20 mins jelq is about the far maximum anyone can actually concentrate for. Try cutting down to 15 mins and putting in more effort on each stroke. Try kegeling at the start of each stroke (before you tighten the grip) …

Maybe your technique is not a problem but you’ve only listed what you do in the most basic detail and nothing about any effects you’ve seen.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

You need a lot more than 10 minutes stretching to see any real length increase, in my opnion.

Yes you really do need more than 10 minutes. You might want to try hanging.

If you guys are saying you need to do more than 10 minutes of stretching to realistically see gains, then why does the Newbie Routine only call for 5? And what difference would hanging make? I’m curious if any of these hanging devices are being sold by people who run this site.

Originally Posted by shakeandbake
If you guys are saying you need to do more than 10 minutes of stretching to realistically see gains, then why does the Newbie Routine only call for 5? And what difference would hanging make? I’m curious if any of these hanging devices are being sold by people who run this site.

You can build a wench and it will cost you under 10 bucks and you buy the parts from home depot so unless thunder owns Home Depot your safe. I have to say though I do own stock in Home Depot so you might want to go to Loews or Ace Hardware but I better check to make sure none of the other mods own any stock in those companies. Just so you know Thunder owns this site and he doesn’t own any companies that sell any PE related material. Also hanging is the best way to gain length but it is time consuming. Also newbie gains sometimes come easy that’s why the newbie routine is easy plus you need to strengthen your dick advanced exercises are intense and can be harmful to a unconditioned dick

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dedication. Dedication. Dedication.

I think the more time applied, the more results.

Starting over with the newbie routine on Jan. 1st, 2007.

I used a homemade Captain’s style hanger for the first year and it worked out great for me I think I spent a total of 12 dollars on it. You can find plans for one here on thunders. After six months you have conditioned you dick enough to move on to more. Remember some peoples penis insides are tougher than others.

Whackbot! What level of erection do you jelq at? If you are a slow gainer, you could try to jelq at a slightly higher level of erection. Maybe 70-80% erection,IMO. See how it goes for a few weeks.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

I preface this with a warning not to overdo it but perhaps you’re not working your penis hard enough, after I finish jelqing for 30mins my penis is very red and swollen, and remains that way for about 12hours, but I work mine very hard and I am by no means suggesting you should work yours so hard, but maybe increase the pressure you apply while jelqing or add some more advanced girth excersise. Remember to take it easy and build up slow.


Shooting for 9"

I’m gonna try holding a kegel before jelq.

I’m gonna try some more advanced stretches, BTC and v stretch

I jelq at a 50-60% erect. Anything higher and it is sorta painful

What is the recommended amount of time for stretching for non-newbies?

Just go on. Go low on the Kegels to prevent premature ejaculation but stretch.

Never forget that almost all gains claimed here are absolutely unproven.

Originally Posted by memento
Personally I think 20 mins jelq is about the far maximum anyone can actually concentrate for. Try cutting down to 15 mins and putting in more effort on each stroke. Try kegeling at the start of each stroke (before you tighten the grip) ..

I have problems if I kegel too much while jelqing. I know kegel will push more blood into our unit, but if I kegel at every stroke, my unit just get soften quickly (I used to kegel only once every 10 stokes). Is there any wrong with me or it’s normal or just wrong technique?


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