Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fast size extender

Fast size extender

I just ran across the fast size extender website. It seems to be a very great tool. I was just curious to see if there is anyone here that has used it before. If so what are you results & gains.


Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

It seems like a rip off…
On the Jes-Extender site they list this site as a scam because they are using their claims and pics off their website.
They also seem to have no way of ordering spare parts, at least its not on their site.
I’d go with the Penimaster. It’s cheaper and has a 3 year warranty.


Your right Thunder.
They have removed that site from the list. My bad.


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