Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I’ve been following for several months a routine of Jelqing/Stretching. For the last 3 months or so, I’ve been doing DLD blasters 3 times a week. No gains yet, but here’s something curious about it: I’ve never felt fatigue. Red spots on glans my first week: check. More skin on penis giving me an almost uncut look while flaccid: check. Soreness, “spent” feeling: never.

Hanging was recommended by several members to jumpstart my gains. I have a Bib starter, but I’m currently debating on how to go about my routine. I have done several very intense jelq/stretching routines, with no rest days to test my endurance, and I’ve never felt fatigue, my arms get fatigued first! It seems as if I could go on forever.

It’s very hard for me to gauge what’s working and what’s not. Also, it seems it will be hard for me to tell if I’m overdoing something - or putting too much weight on the hanger, for example. Most people report reaching fatigue easily with DLD Blasters, my ligs can take a full day of those it seems.

Any ideas of what could be the reason? Very strong PC muscles maybe? A sensitivity issue? Has there been anyone with a similar situation?



>No gains yet, but here’s something curious about it: I’ve never felt fatigue. Red spots on glans my first week: check. More skin on penis giving me an almost uncut look while flaccid: check. Soreness, “spent” feeling: never. <

There are those that do not feel fatigue, or much of it. Depends on your pain tolerance level.

>It’s very hard for me to gauge what’s working and what’s not. Also, it seems it will be hard for me to tell if I’m overdoing something - or putting too much weight on the hanger, for example.<

That won’t be a problem, I assure you. You just need a plan. Do you need help making a hanging program?

>Any ideas of what could be the reason? Very strong PC muscles maybe? A sensitivity issue? Has there been anyone with a similar situation? <

I think the reason is either you are doing some work but not feeling fatigue due to tolerance levels, or you have not yet reached fatigue due to tough tissues. I think it is time to start a hanging routine.


Thanks SS4!

Your answers made me think of an additional couple questions.

1) Do you -have- to go to fatigue level in order to gain? (I haven’t)


2) When is fatigue measured, per workout? Or say, at the end of a 3on, 1off cycle I should feel fatigued?

Many thanks !


Try taking more rest days now. You might see gains then. Thought of doing that yet?


~Here's Johnny!~



>1) Do you -have- to go to fatigue level in order to gain? (I haven’t)<

Some people have gained without soreness. Others get soreness without gains. For the vast majority it is a good indication of progress, and a sign of a good workout.

>2) When is fatigue measured, per workout? Or say, at the end of a 3on, 1off cycle I should feel fatigued? <

When do you not measure fatigue? You either feel sore or you don’t. In the beginning, you might not feel fatigue after a session. After some time of PE you may reach fatigue by the end of a session. When you get a great level of soreness, to the point that you can’t pull very hard or can only hang half your max weight, switch to a different angle (assuming you were concentrating on one angle in the first place) for the rest of the session. After a longer time you may be able to get several angles to full fatigue in a session.

Most people get very sore on the first day back after a rest day or days, this is because you are reopening micro tears that have begun to heal.

I hope this helps.


Many thanks SS4, this clarifies things for me.


Vacation over, 2 weeks of hanging with the Bib starter and I have more questions about fatigue.

I started at 10 pounds, because 5 pounds didn’t feel like a good pull. 15 mins, 5-6 sets each, SO. 5 days on, 2 off. Second week I raised it to 15 pounds, same sets, direction. I don’t feel any fatigue at all, or soreness, or anything that indicates that I should stop, or lower weight, etc. Since raising my weight to 20 pounds seems foolish, and I’m supposed to be listening to my penis most of all, I gotta ask this question again:

What is it that I need to feel, that tells me I should lower weights, or take it easier, or take a break? After any PE activity, be it Jelq, manual stretching, hanging. From what I understand, at least once I should feel a good “workout” or soreness, or a dull feeling in the base of penis, etc.

Has anyone been in the same situation? What could be the reason I don’t feel much of anything? It at least -seems- as if I could hang the whole day, or strectch the whole day, or jelq the whole day with no rest days. I want to be clear on this topic, because I think this is tied to me not having a measurable gain since I’ve started PE, and understanding it might give me ideas of what my routine/weights/rest days should actually be.


Yo! Im not totally positive on the fatigue factor because i dont think that i have ever felt that total ‘give’ if you know what i mean. But after a good manual stretching session, i feel a dull ache almost at the base of my penis. Kind of like a very small cramping feeling…hard to explain.

Have you thought of increasing the amount of time you hang for compared to increasing the weight with which you are hanging?

Hope it helps dude, keep at it and it will come!

Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

There are only three possible explanations for your inability to “experience”
fatigue: Extremely tough ligs/tissue, a super high tolerance for pain, or a flaw in your routine. The answer can also be a combination of any of those three things.
But since we have no real way of knowing, the only thing to do is consider your routine and what might be missing. I can only relate my personal experience with fatigue, and because I have only felt it in relation to hanging I’ll stick with that subject.

I think what you need to find is that place where the formula: Time (set length) + Tension (weight amount) = Growth (fatigue) is most efficiently balanced.
There is a “time/weight zone” you have to find that places you right in between ease and discomfort. You should only be able to hang in this zone for a period of time at a certain weight before you have to leave it. You will then move a step down into a second zone that will ideally share the “time” element of the equation but a little less of the weight. This second “time/weight zone” should also demand that you spend a limited amount of time there - and force you into another such zone (same amount of time/less weight), and so on.

If you are hanging 5-6 fifteen minute sets at fifteen pounds I have to assume you do those sets in good comfort. Whatever your reluctance to move up to 20 lbs you might want to consider trying it. If you find you cannot handle it for the 15 minutes you seem to prefer, you have discovered that somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs at 15 minutes there exists for you that first “time/weight zone”.
By experimenting with weight in that range as well as set length (btwn 15 and 20 mins) you would find the time/weight balance that is going to set you up for fatigue.

To my way of thinking, the most important feature in recognizing fatigue, is hanging with the absence of it. The only way you can be certain that you have arrived at fatigue is to have it appear at a time/weight that is otherwise comfortable save for the mild, unmistakable “presence” of the weight itself. This way, when fatigue comes you cannot mistake it for anything else.
The tricky thing is finding a “time/weight zone” that lives between ease and discomfort; you are hanging comfortably, with the absence of pain, and at a point your body tells you that this is no longer comfortable, it is time to move down to the second zone.
And because it will always vary man to man you have to find that place yourself and use it sensibly.

Please keep in mind, though that you very well may have either extremely tough internal tissue or have an unusually high threshold for pain. So please, do not become overzealous in your quest for fatigue. Always keep in mind those warning signs that you are doing damage to your unit.
People do gain without feeling fatigue, but nobody ever gains by injuring themselves.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the help guys. It has me baffled. And I’m pretty sure that as soon as I find my “zone” I’ll start seeing gains.

Seeing 15 pounds hanging by your dick is a sight to see. It looks as if it’s gonna get ripped out at any moment, yet I hang 15 in total confort (after about 20 mins of struggling with the wrapping, putting on the hangar). Raising it to 20 pounds seems like the logical alternative, but it’s something I don’t want to do, at least for now. First I would like to figure out exactly what is it that’s different about me. And to have a working “gauge” of pain/fatigue/soreness. I feel like I’m flying blind right now, and don’t want to engage in anything that looks or sounds extreme. If nothing else works for me I will hang 20, then add 1 pound weights every set until -something- is felt and use that as my zone.

I would prefer it is because I’m not doing the exercises right or hanging in a proper way rather than having very tough internal tissues, but even that can be worked with. Conclusevely finding what I need to do to start my gains is my goal at the moment.

I’ll keep you guys posted.


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