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Few quick questions for you guys

Few quick questions for you guys

Hey guys, I just have a few quick questions to throw out there.

1) Exactly how hard should I be pulling when I stretch? In the past few weeks after one or 2 days of stretching I start to get a bruise all around the very tip of my penis. I’m guessing that this is because I might be squeezing to hard on the head of my penis when stretching. Also after stretching I sometimes have slight pulsing pain that comes and goes for a couple days around the head of my penis and sometimes on the side of my shaft.

-So, what is the best way to hold the head of your penis when stretching and how hard should I pull? I remember reading somewhere on this forum that it is actually better to pull for longer periods of time but not as hard. Is this true?

2) Second, when jelqing, I have this one vein that runs down the side of my shaft, when I slide my grip down it as I jelq it kinda hurts when I go over that one spot where that vein is.

- Any idea on how to prevent this?

3) Finally, I was wondering what you guys think of this technique for warming up.

-Picture a cup, now picture holding that cup to your body.Now picture holding that cup to your body but with your penis inside, and the cup is filled with hot water. You make a seal by pressing the cup to your body. I’ve been doing this for a little while now and so far it seems like it works pretty good. If you use a good cup the water will stay warm for a good five minutes or more. Is there any reason this technique of warming up is bad or could cause injury?

Thanks in advance for all the help guys.

Originally Posted by Nickleplate
Hey guys, I just have a few quick questions to throw out there.

1) Exactly how hard should I be pulling when I stretch? In the past few weeks after one or 2 days of stretching I start to get a bruise all around the very tip of my penis. I’m guessing that this is because I might be squeezing to hard on the head of my penis when stretching. Also after stretching I sometimes have slight pulsing pain that comes and goes for a couple days around the head of my penis and sometimes on the side of my shaft.
-So, what is the best way to hold the head of your penis when stretching and how hard should I pull? I remember reading somewhere on this forum that it is actually better to pull for longer periods of time but not as hard. Is this true?

You should pull it hard enough for it to place a stress on your tissue but not hard enough that it causes pain. Also your aim should be to pull the dick out than press/grip it hard. That could cause the blood to be trapped in your glans and with all the pressure you may end up seeing some spots or bruises. So use a OK grip to hold firm but not hard.

I dont think anyone can actually tell you how hard you should pull. Its more of a feel thing. So feel the stretch when you pull. If you have pain discontinue any PE. Take rest. Let it heal

Originally Posted by Nickleplate
2) Second, when jelqing, I have this one vein that runs down the side of my shaft, when I slide my grip down it as I jelq it kinda hurts when I go over that one spot where that vein is.
- Any idea on how to prevent this?

In this case, I suggest you take a big break. Atleast 15-20 days off. After the break come back and start again. If the pain persists then run as fast to the nearest qualified doctor.

Originally Posted by Nickleplate
3) Finally, I was wondering what you guys think of this technique for warming up.
-Picture a cup, now picture holding that cup to your body.Now picture holding that cup to your body but with your penis inside, and the cup is filled with hot water. You make a seal by pressing the cup to your body. I’ve been doing this for a little while now and so far it seems like it works pretty good. If you use a good cup the water will stay warm for a good five minutes or more. Is there any reason this technique of warming up is bad or could cause injury?

Thanks in advance for all the help guys.

Novel idea:)

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Oh, about that vein, I didn’t mean that it hurts after I PE, or hurts alot when I’m doing PE. I just meant that because of the location that the vein is at (right on the side of my shaft) when my hand goes over that spot during a jelq it kinda hurts because there is a vein sticking out right there. Do you think I should just loosen up my grip when I get to that spot or maybe just jelq at lower erection levels. I really only have trouble with it when I’m jelqing at prob 75 or 80%

Originally Posted by Nickleplate

Oh, about that vein, I didn’t mean that it hurts after I PE, or hurts alot when I’m doing PE. I just meant that because of the location that the vein is at (right on the side of my shaft) when my hand goes over that spot during a jelq it kinda hurts because there is a vein sticking out right there. Do you think I should just loosen up my grip when I get to that spot or maybe just jelq at lower erection levels. I really only have trouble with it when I’m jelqing at prob 75 or 80%

Small problems/injuries could assume mammoth proportions later on. Its better safe than sorry. Doesnt matter if its hurts at 20%,40% or 75%. Thing is that it hurts and its not a good sign. Take it from me(ive been injured before). Take a big break and come back. A forthnight off wont hurt much but a broken penis will.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Also, the reason that I get this bruise on the tip of my dick is because I have to hold/squeeze the head of my penis that hard or else I will lose my grip when stretching. Does anyone know of any good techniques to help with this?

You dont have to hold the head. Make a OK grip and apply it below the notch of the glan. Also, you can grip the penis at mid shaft.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

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