Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Final update until the 30 Day mark.


Final update until the 30 Day mark.

I know I shouldn’t be measuring as often as I am, but would like to update the forum
Of my progress, as I am sure many would like to know, to see what may be ahead for them.

And also to let others know that this is for real and that at least for me, excessive and hard jelging/stretching to date has not been necessary.

My last post, I was being conservative to be realistic about my gains.

But upon a recent measurement, the 1/4 inch gain is stable at just over 2 weeks.

Today I measured 24 hours after jelging and have found both my BP and NBP to be a 1/4 inch bigger.
Not the 1/8th of an inch I stated earlier.

I am pretty amazed!

My thinking when I started was, well if I make it to 6.5 and never another inch, I would be happy.
Now I am looking at 7” as a realistic goal.

I won’t be updating again until the 30 day mark.

After reading through many many posts.. I think that newbies are making mistakes here by changing their goals. Dreaming big is a great thing and don’t let me stop you, but don’t change your goal until you achieve the one you’ve already set.

For example:

Johnny Dicktugger has set a goal of 7 inches in length and has been PEing for about a year. He has seen about an 1/8th inch in gains, from his starting length of 5.5 inches. He decides to set a new interim goal of 6 inches, with an overall goal of 7 still. This is good goal setting. Revising a lofty goal with smaller attainable goals increases confidence. Over the next year, he ends up gaining a bit more and he is at 6 inches. He then sets his sights on 6.5 inches. Johnny Dicktugger will probably stick this out and end up making his overall goal and not become discouraged.

On the other hand, if your goal was originally 6 inches and you’re only at 5.5, don’t go racking it up another inch and get your hopes up once you start seeing gains. I believe the way to be successful at this is to set small goals and attain them to keep yourself motivated, and to keep yourself from overdoing things. Just an observation I’ve made, hope it makes sense. And don’t measure more than once a month! It’s something to look forward to and keep you doing your workouts.

Anyways, I’m a newbie myself so I have no ground to stand on. Maybe some vets will comment and set us all straight. :)

Your absolutely right. But at my present rate of gain a re-assessment was in order.
A 1/4 inch gain in just over 2 weeks is a sign I am a fast gainer. So based on this evidence a goal of 1 inch over the initial 3 months may not be unrealistic.

Now if I don’t gain for the next two weeks I may have to readjust my goal, but for the time being I feel 1 inch is a realistic target.


My routine is less in intensity than the newbie program which gives me some breathing room if I have to up the routine in intensity.

Last edited by bggrsbttr : 01-13-2008 at .

“A 1/4 inch gain in just over 2 weeks is a sign I am a fast gainer. So based on this evidence a goal of 1 inch over the initial 3 months may not be unrealistic.”

Or it could be a sign that you gained a 1/4 of an inch in two weeks too. jllama has a point. Do one goal at a time, achieve the goal, then set another one.

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Valid points but today I am seeing more gains minor as they may be.

But as I stated I won’t be posting anymore gains until the 30 day mark.

Either way, I won’t be disappointed with either a 1/2 inch or full inch gain over 3 months.

Each would be stellar considering what we are doing.

Quite honestly, I am very amazed and dumbfounded at this and wish I had learned of it
Years ago.

So thanks Thunder for putting this informative site together.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I’m just the mascot, everybody else does the work. They do a pretty damn good job too, don’t they?

Yes they do. And the way it was presented to me is what got me to start doing PE.

When someone knows what they are talking about you can tell.

Good luck!

Yes the experienced guys know what they are talking about.

I am going back to a half inch goal.

It’s easy to over do it. As a matter of fact I am taking at least a 2 day break and dropping back my jelg time from 14 to 12 mins.

It’s a marathon not a sprint.

Originally Posted by bggrsbttr

Yes the experienced guys know what they are talking about.

It’s a marathon not a sprint.

Thanks for listening.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

Hi bggrsbttr,

Congrats on the gains. I am new to PE and was wondeirng which routine you used to get your 1/4 gain in such a short amount of time?



Originally Posted by bggrsbttr
My routine is less in intensity than the newbie program which gives me some breathing room if I have to up the routine in intensity.

Good for you! You can always increase the intensity later. Doing too much too soon is a good way to get less gains, not more.

If you haven’t read it already, I recommend SparkyX’s thread Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!. PIs are one very useful way to adjust your routine to your results.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by bggrsbttr
Quite honestly, I am very amazed and dumbfounded at this and wish I had learned of it
Years ago.

So thanks Thunder for putting this informative site together.

Feels good to do what “everyone knows” is impossible, doesn’t it?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by giggsy07
Hi bggrsbttr,

Congrats on the gains. I am new to PE and was wondeirng which routine you used to get your 1/4 gain in such a short amount of time?



Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

I did a lesser routine than the newbie routine. Mainly I don’t do a lot of kelging but when I am jelging to get a good blood flow.

And I am taking longer to get to the 30 min. Jelg and 10 min stretching.

As a matter of fact I am cutting back after 2 days off from 14 mins jelg to 10 to 12 mins. Jelg

My stretching will stay at around 6-7mins.

I’m still debating whether to take another day off as I still have some slight-very slight soreness. Tomorrow will be the 2nd day off so I will know tomorrow.

Due to scheduling, I was adding a 3rd day to the 2 on 1 off as I was taking 2 days off at times and tried to make up for it.

The first 3 day on was ok but the 2nd string of 3 days on and with upping the routine was too much.

Believe it or not, I think the 3 days on and upping the times will hurt my 1st month total gains.

If I were to start over I would have eliminated the 3 days on and just lived without the 2 days I missed.

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Good for you! You can always increase the intensity later. Doing too much too soon is a good way to get less gains, not more.

If you haven’t read it already, I recommend SparkyX’s thread Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!. PIs are one very useful way to adjust your routine to your results.

Agreed. My goal is to stay just under the negative PIs. Though I didn’t lose on this minor overtrain I have missed a day or two due to it which has hurt gains.


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