Originally Posted by Gettinbig4me
I do about 50 dry jelqs 5-10 stretches each direction hold 30 secs, about 200 wet jelq with replacing other hand before you let go, 20 ulis I think they are called(the one that squeeze bottom then other hand squeeze bottom and bring blood to head) I bend penis while doing this. Normally 2 or 3 days on 2 off.
What exactly is a uli? I’ve always heard it but never seen it explained. What does it do?
Im going to try all the girth exercises today for a test run. I always hear people talking about ” I 440 squeezes and I was half an inch thicker mid workout!”. Like I feel like that crap never happens. If anybody could direct me to ULI and 440 or any other girh thing I’ll be happy.