Fired Up
Check it out. I have been reading posts for a month or two now and only joined about a week ago and now I think I have finally stretched the skin while hanging because I just finished hanging and felt it in my ligs. I was hanging straight down or BTC and noticed a very good stretch so I started to kegel and the ligs started to get tired. I could feel them being worked. I had’nt felt that before. I also did some blasters.. I am starting this quest at 6.5 bpel and 4.75 girth. My goal is 8 bpel by 5.75-6 girth. I am currenty not doing any girth work, only length. If I dedicate 2 hrs. A day to hanging when should I take my 1st measurements to see if I have gained? I am fired up about this as I have always been unhappy with my size. I am 6’2” and I now believe I can change it!