First post for "not so newbie"
I’m a 45 year old physician who up until 4 months ago thought that PE was hogwash. I had been spoon fed the standard medical doctrine of “theres nothing you can do short of surgery to enlarge your penis” for the last 20 years and thought anybody who tried this was idiotic and wasting there time.
I’ve alway’s had impressive girth (almost 5.75) but my nbpel was on the short side of the 6.00 mark and I would always hear about the ex with the “really big cock”.
4 months ago, I bought the x4 extender, and started poring over their member message board for tips and suggestions. They surprisingly refer everyone to here and I started incorporating jelqing and stretching after a 3 to 5 hour extender session around 5 to 6 days a week. I realized that things would take time and set in for the long haul. Although after 2 months my penis felt bigger and thicker, I still didnt have definitive proof as though my penis felt bigger it didn’t necessarily measure bigger. I can finally say, however, that this stuff does work. My EL has gone up 1/2 to 6.5; my NBPEL is now up to 7.25 and my EG has gone up 1/4 to 6 inches. My wife has definitely noticed, and although it is getting really hard for her to give me blowjobs, the benefits of having a bigger, thicker cock are worth it.
My questions for everyone are this. 1.I have gained a 1/2 inch in 4 months from using an extender and jelqing/stretching. Is hanging any better, or should I do both. I have a vac hanger on the way and tried making a swim cap hanger from an old post from “Tom Hubbard”. I’m mainly looking for variety as the extender tends to pinch the same spots and I thought mixing it up might be the way to go.
2. Are ADS’s beneficial?. Does it really help the penis to heal in an extended state, and is the anti-turtle device sold by monkeybar as good or better.
3. Any advice on achieving flaccid length gains?. I have been doing fowfers for the last month or so. Does the ADS help with this as well.
Very glad to have found your site. After achieving results, I am now a PE junkie and looking forward to a long and helpful relationship with all of you. Hope to hear your responses.