Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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Ok, so I started yesterday, and I’m already hooked. At first I procrastinated and had a hard time getting started, but now I can’t stop. I started on the newbie routine, which is:

5 Min Hot Wrap (Using a rice sock, works well!)
5 Minutes Manual Stretching (10-30 Second stretches, usually just straight out.)
10 Minutes Jelqing (3 Second strokes, so about 200 jelqs)
5 Min Hot Wrap
50 5-Second Kegels

My starting Measurements are:

6x5.5 Non-Bone pressed length.


7.5x6 in a year. Seem feasible?

Any suggestions as far as altering my routine? Since I’m only on my second day I’m not seeing gains yet, but I’m gonna measure in a month and if there’s gains then Ill stick to my plan.

Any words of encouragement?

Your goals seems very reachable. It is normal to not see gains in 2 days. Give yourself some time. Don’t mesure too often, it will most likely discourage you. Be consistent. Good luck.

Sounds like a good goal. Just keep at it. :)

Good luck. Your routine is fine and the goal is reasonable. Increase the number of jelqs gradually over time. Watch out for bruises and red spots and don’t overdo it.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I noticed a few small red spots and a few small purple spots (I guess bruises) Am I working it too hard, or is my penis still just trying to adapt to stress?

That’s normal. If they aren’t gone in 24 hours, take a day off.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Welcome to Thunder’s, cooldude.

You and I have very similar starting stats, as well as a similar goal. I’ll race you :D (j/k, don’t race). Routine looks good. The fact that you actually read that much is great. Purple and red spots are fine if they dissipate quickly (within the day). Personally mine only last about 30 minutes. If they last any longer than that I back off on the intensity a bit. The last thing we want to do is damage our tool. It’s the only one we have (well, except for John Bobbit).

Good luck to you, and if you have questions feel free to ask (you can also use our outstanding search feature). We will try to help how ever we can.


Thank you all for the support. The spots are still there, but they are very light and almost gone, Ill just take the day off. Man, I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Certainly, if that’s all your asking for, considering you are consistent and apply common sense.


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