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Floodjls Newbie Questions And Theory

Floodjls Newbie Questions And Theory

Hey guys, I just joined today, first post.

Just some background, I started Nov 26 at 6.25 BPEL and 4.5 EG. To date, I’ve gotten up to about 6.6 BPEL, 6.75 on a good day, although my junk is kind of hard to measure because it curves upward (which I like). Once I hit 7 I’m going to try to focus solely on girth for a while, my goals are 7.5x5.75

So first, my question. I have been doing a very light newbie routine, I don’t have a very good PE situation so I have to try to work out quickly in the shower:
3-5 min warm up
1 set of 20 sec stretches in each direction
1 set JAI in each direction
I’ve been working my way up from 20-100 wet jelqs, I’m at 70 right now.
3-5 minute Rewarming

I’ve started to notice my erection curving to the right slightly and I don’t like that. Is this improper stretching? Bad form in jelq? Uneven tunica growth? Any insight would be appreciated.

I think I may have made things hard for myself (pun somewhat intended) in girth gains because when I was a young teenager (I’m almost 22 now) I used to completely cut off my circulation by means of rubber bands etc to increase pleasure in my own personal sessions, sometimes for significant amounts of time. The good news is my member should now be able to handle basically whatever I put it through, but the bad news is I’ve probably hardened things to the point of slowing growth.

I’ve started to experiment with a Cock ring a few hours every few days, and I’ve had a jelqing session with the ring somewhat tightly. Any suggestions on the best way to encourage girth if my worries are correct? I’m curious about moving in very slowly to clamping and then eventually into dry jelqs while clamped. If I do this I’ll probably start with no more than 10 jelqs one day on two days off, and move up 2-5 jelqs per workout depending on PI.

I’m also thinking about going one day routine, next day routine and ADC, and then a rest day as a standard rotation.

Lastly, theory. I’m science minded and I love to read penissmith’s posts, but I was just wondering about overtraining. I’ve read several posts about people getting to a plateau and giving up, resulting in a lot of growth very quickly. I feel like extended rest periods may be a key for growth. This has probably been mentioned before, but to put this in practice and test it I’m taking a full week of rest right now, and for every 4 weeks of working out, I’m going to take one week of rest.

Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!

Hi Floodjls,

Welcome aboard. Good gains.

Measure by pushing to the ruler. Your curve might change over time and that just complicates measuring.

The bend to the right can occur in the shaft and at the base of the shaft. If it’s at the base, it’s probably just ligaments growing a little unevenly or the extra wieght of your penis causing a tendency in a certain direction. If it’s in the shaft, it could be as the result of higher EQ. If you have better erections a pre-existing curve would be more noticable. If it’s a radical change it could be as a result of Peyronie’s (this is unlikely). Lastly and possibly most likely, it could have been there all the time and you’ve just noticed it now because you are paying a lot more attention to your penis. Unless it’s radical, ignore it but do try to balance your stresses.

If you were maybe 50-60 or older the cock ring might be appropriate but at 22 it might feel great but be an unnecessary extra risk in your routine. We all take extra risk as we progress in PE and our penises are capable of taking more but be sure that you aren’t adding something that isn’t just risk, without reward.

In terms of girth gains, you are very early in. The Newbie Routine is probably the best option for you. As you progress you can target girth more easily but it’s probably best, right now, to take the gains you get rather than worrying about whether they are girth or length. At some point in time, you start to hit limits, so it makes sense to take what comes easily first and then concentrate later on what you really want to gain. An initial quick length gain is not unusual and so you might be overestimating your pace of future growth in length terms.

Let me try to science this. You start with a penis in it’s natural state as you extert pressure the penis reacts and builds more strength. The point of PE is to stay ahead of the strength building by slowly increasing force and changing it’s directionality (the jelq is a great every direction exercise, never drop it). It’s hard to tell what overtraining means but it’s probably the case that it causes injury at too great a level and the the body reacts adversely by building strength more quickly. Our knowledge of PE is built on the previous experience of thousands of members and that’s an OK way to find out what works to some extent but it makes communicating appropriate force over time and so on very hard, because there’s never been any useful research in the area. It does however mean that there is always a pressure to explain what works and why and that often leads to attempts to explain in sciency terms that extend far beyond the available proof. I’ve always thought of it as a mechanical problem, like deforming a bridge that gains strength on it’s own.

Hope that helps.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks, I appreciate the info. I’m probably going to continue what I’m doing at the moment (working my way up 5-10 jelqs per week up to 100, then staying at 100 till results slow), because it’s been working so far. I’ll take your advice though, and I’ll give it some more time before I continue my more risky business.

It’s as far as the curves, I like the upwards curve. Helps to hit the g spot more intensely from what I can tell.. I definitely haven’t heard any complaints haha. I do want to straighten the right curve. It’s definitely a miniscule curve, and you’re right, there’s a good chance that I just haven’t noticed it before.

I’ve also definitely noticed better EQ and frequency from the first few days. I’ve also started to notice better vein structure come up since I started my rest period. So far no spots or discoloration. I’ve somewhat attempted firegoat’s roll, I really don’t understand the concept though. I have another question though, How long should I go with no gains before changing up my routine?

Originally Posted by Floodjls
Hey guys, I just joined today, first post.

I think I may have made things hard for myself (pun somewhat intended) in girth gains because when I was a young teenager (I’m almost 22 now) I used to completely cut off my circulation by means of rubber bands etc to increase pleasure in my own personal sessions, sometimes for significant amounts of time. The good news is my member should now be able to handle basically whatever I put it through, but the bad news is I’ve probably hardened things to the point of slowing growth.

Lastly, theory. I’m science minded and I love to read penissmith’s posts, but I was just wondering about overtraining. I’ve read several posts about people getting to a plateau and giving up, resulting in a lot of growth very quickly. I feel like extended rest periods may be a key for growth. This has probably been mentioned before, but to put this in practice and test it I’m taking a full week of rest right now, and for every 4 weeks of working out, I’m going to take one week of rest.

Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!

Merry christmas to you!

Firstly: what you did in your past can be undone. If you feel that you made your penis ‘tougher’ by clamping it off with rubber bands, I think stretching can help you overcome that.

Secondly: long resting periods are good, but not always. If you do low-level exercise such as yoga you should do it daily, because it’s not traumatic (traumatic in the sense that it doesn’t cause tissue damage that needs repair). If you do a high-impact sport such as weightlifting resting is key because damage needs repair. There are bodybuilding dudes out there who have an arm day, a chest day, a leg day and who rest the remaining 4 days. That’s once per week they work their arms/chest/whatever. They get bigger and stronger so it works, easy as pie.

Why would PE be any different? If you do something intense with many jelqs, horse440’s, Uli’s etc. you should take rest days. If you do some stretching and jelqing (at a low erection level) you can do it almost daily. It’s the difference between a 1/3 regime with 1 PE day and 3 rest days, or a 3/1 regime with 3 PE days and one rest day.

Also - when you reach a plateau EQ is usually not optimal, meaning that when EQ is restored the erection seems bigger. Result: you think you gained a lot by resting, while it was incremental in reality.

So yes, your theory sounds good to me. However, it’s not applicable to everybody.

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

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