Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Food for PE and EQ?

Food for PE and EQ?

I was just thinking, since me and some other members are trying to be overall fit as well as increase our unit. There are foods we should and shouldn’t eat for weight-loss and overall health. What about PE? I know that celery is good for your penis. What are some others and why? If anyone knows anything FEEL FREE TO POST. If you have links post them(just make sure they are not clickable). I think this would be a great addition. I checked search for “foods, eq…and got nothing worth mentioning just a protien thread. Also tried Foods for PE”. Will being going to bed shortly and will check in the morning as well as do some research.

Note: I am talking about foods, not herbs or vitamins ect. We have a supplement threat for that.

Healthy eating habits will aid you in many aspects of life, PE and EQ being some of them I believe. :)

You can start here: The healthy eating thread

Of course, feel free to search for more threads or even forums on that subject.

@UpTo7 Tons of good info there bro thanks. Anything else? I know blue and black berries are good for our units read sometihng about it on mens health. Off to shower and sleep.

Good night from the East Coast. I found this. Anything else that we could include?


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