No, the results aren’t permanent but I like the results so I keep taking the supplements. Sometimes I skip a week or so and don’t notice any decrease in size or volume.
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.
***Pas de vrais résultats depuis 2011*** NBPEL:15 cm (17cm BPEL) MEG:11,5 cm FIRST GOALS:18 cm X 13 cm
BPEL : bone pressed erect length / NBPEL : non bone pressed erect length / BPFSL : bone pressed flacid streched length / NBFSL : non bone pressed flacid streched length
Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5
(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5
Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)