Thunder's Place

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Forcing Blood into the Base

Forcing Blood into the Base

I’ve only been doing this about 2 weeks and have already noticed some visible length and girth gains. However, I’ve also noticed an increase in my natural tendency towards a baseball-bat shape. My girth has always been bigger around the circumscar than the base, but the stretching and jelqing seem to have made this more noticeable. I think this is because the jelqing has been increasing the pressure of blood in the middle and end, but not so much at the base. I’d like to force blood equally or even preferentialy into the base, but no matter how far I press against the bone before starting the jelq, the blood just doesn’t seem to build much pressure there.

I tried doing some horse440 or reverse jelq type movements, but the horse seems to primarily just make the middle extremely full and the reverse just doesn’t seem to do much at all. So, any ideas about increasing the pressure of the blood flow in the base? Does doing the V/A stretch at the base help enlarge the tissue there? Maybe I should do more of those? Any advice or experiences in evening out the baseball bat shape would be much appreciated.

Pumping has helped me even out the girth discrepancy that existed between base level and mid shaft. Like you, I started with the baseball-bat shape, now my base-girth exceeds that of the mid shaft. Not something that worries me as I rather have it this way then the baseball-bat model. Also, I suspect that as there is no more room in the cylinder for my base to expand, the mid shaft will catch up.

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki

I’ve only been doing this about 2 weeks…

I tried doing some horse440 or reverse jelq type movements…

Unconditioned dicks subjected to extreme stress are apt to develop injuries. The pumping suggestion sounds good, just take it easy. Horse squeezes are not for newbies.

Thanks for the advice. I was only trying a very mild version of the horse squeeze. What about squeezing the top half with my hand while flaccid and then trying to get an erection or kegel so that blood fills the bottom but doesn’t go to the middle or head?

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

That would be a new approach. Can you use your hand to keep the pressure constant for a long enough period of time to get erect only in the lower half? Let us know how it goes.

Well, I got the idea because somebody said they wrapped the top half with a theraband. It’s hard to get a complete erection with half my dick tightly squeezed, but I can get part of the way there and kegeling seems to help. It seems like when you kegel this way it may cause a bit of blood “backwash” into the unsqueezed portion, which will hopefully give me the pressure I need to even that area out. I guess I should do this after my jelqing? Or perhaps during?

I’ll keep trying this method and update with my progress.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

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