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Foreskin and PE


Foreskin and PE

Does the foreskin grow as fast as the rest of the penis when doing PE? I have been doing foreskin restoration for years and do not want the shaft to grow faster than my foreskin and undo some of my gains. Is there any kind of PE that is best for growing more foreskin? BTW foreskin restoration has gained me about 3/4” in length and some girth also. Has anyone else here had a similar experience with foreskin restoration?

Originally Posted by Marc_O
Has anyone else here had a similar experience with foreskin restoration?

Yes. When I first read your post, I thought “I could have written that”. I’ve used the t-tape method pretty much exclusively.

I also have the same questions as you, so I’ll bump this thread.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Skin is generally stretched from the base up the shaft to accommodate new growth, so foreskin stretching should not be an issue.Hair growing up the shaft most certainly will become an issue for many though.

I am interested in that Marc_O mentioned he gained from foreskin restoration though. Could you elaborate on what kind of routine you followed Marc?

OK here is the routine that I used. First keep in mind I was cut tight as a drum. When erect my shaft skin used to be stretched really tight. When I first started I used a simple tape ring and after several months I was able to switch to the pill tube method. I continued to use that method for about 2 years. For the last 3 years I have been using manual tugging. To describe these methods in detail would take thousands of words and would be a bit to long to post here but if you do a Google search for foreskin restoration you should be able to find plenty of description’s of these and other methods of foreskin restoration.

Foreskin restoration? Why

As far as why do foreskin restoration there are a number of reasons. First all the medical reasons for circumcision have been disproved. 2 the glans is meant to be covered. Without the protection of the foreskin it becomes somewhat callus and less sensitive. After keeping the glans covered with foreskin for several months the callus is shed and sensitivity returns making sex more enjoyable and allowing a guy to better control when he cums. 3 During intercourse the foreskin helps to keep lube in the vagina making sex more enjoyable for both the man and the woman and eliminating the need for artificial lube. 4 The sensation of the foreskin slipping back and forth over the edge of the head during intercourse can be quite enjoyable for both partners. 5 most women that have had several circumcised and uncircumcised men prefer uncircumcised.

Bottom line sex is MUCH better since I have restored my foreskin for both myself and my wife. The improvement was noticeable after just a couple of months. There is now much more and better sensation for both of us and my wife is now never sore the next day after prolonged intercourse.

Interesting, very interesting. Cause I have been always ashamed and embarassed to whip my dick out for my past girlfriends. And I’ve always entertained the idea to get cut but have been embarassed to talk to my doctor about it. BUt when I do, I usually peel it back making it look like I’m cut. I don’t know what my current girl thinks, I’ve been meaning to talk to her about this shit.

I don’t think the control the cum idea works, atleast maybe not for me.

How is it that your wife was sore when you were cut and now not sore when your uncut?

As a uncut man you know that the foreskin has a sort of rolling and gliding action. That means that there is less friction on the vagina. More important a tightly circumcised penis works sort of like a piston, it plunges in deep and then the ridge at the base of the head sort of pulls the lubrication out on the outward stroke and with a extended period of intercourse can cause some dryness during intercourse and soreness the next day, just to much friction.

Also since I have restored my wife seems to produce more lubrication. Short strokes with the foreskin riding back and forth over the edge of my head right on her G spot seem to turn her into a virtual lube machine. That never happened before I restored.

As far as controlling when you cum try being tightly cut for 40 years. As the layer of callus on the glans gets thicker things change. I have found that after regrowing a foreskin sex feels much better and I can control when I cum much better. That has been my personal experience and a lot of other guys that have done foreskin restoration seem to say the same thing. Your mileage may vary.

Cool, well thanks. I’m not much embarassed anymore and will more likely keep my foreskin.
I’m still young, only 18, so I stil have much to learn about sex. I of course use a condom since I don’t want a kid at my age so I wouldn’t know that my girlfriend is sore. But I’ll have to talk to her more

Thanks again

I would not be embarrassed. Look at it this way almost all men in Europe are uncut and the percentages of circumcised men in the US are dropping. The USA and Israel are the only industrialized nations where routine infant circumcision is common. The American Association of Pedieatrics recommends aginst it and has for several years.

Also have a look at this link for some additional information. Circumcise or Not? How Penis Circumcision Affects Sex

Wen you do get around to intercourse without a condom your gf may find out that she is in for a treat. She may develop a preference for the uncut model.

I will admit that wen wearing a condom a foreskin may not make as big a difference. But before considering getting cut do some extensive reading and research on the subject.

Very nice website, I’m definitely gunno show my girlfriend and talk to her. I’m her third guy she’s had sex with, so I can ask if she noticed any difference. Well thanks again, you’ve inspired me to actually be proud. Though I don’t know when I will have sex w/o a condom.

It may be difficult for her to notice the difference with a condom because I would assume that most of the gliding action and foreskin movement is restricted by the condom I could not say for sure.

Some additional reading that may be interesting can be found here

Hmm. Interesting. I’ve gained some extra skin due to PE, maybe I’ll just pull up a little extra when I stretch and see if I continue to gain. I’m OK with the look as it is, but the idea of increased sensitivity is enticing. Would you be so kind as to post links to those sites that you feel are the most useful for technique and how-to?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Last edited by mgus : 04-20-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Marc_O
It may be difficult for her to notice the difference with a condom because I would assume that most of the gliding action and foreskin movement is restricted by the condom I could not say for sure.
Some additional reading that may be interesting can be found here

Yes condom get restricted by foreskin somewhat. Takes a guy a while to learn how to maneuver it. I have a very long foreskin that covers the whole head even hard and makes a “nipple” by hanging off the end. But if I put on the condom when my foreskin is retracted, I cover the head first and stop the condom on the corona/cock-head ridge. Then I pull my foreskin fully up and over my cock-head so the condom doubles-back over itself inside my foreskin, then slide it all the way to my cock’s base. During sex my foreskin slides fully back and forth taking the condom with in in unison nd the condom never falls off. Actually the double condom layer inside my foreskin makes the pleasure greater and when I cum it fill my whole inner foreskin. Explosive. Hope this helps.

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