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Foreskin -- getting all "bunched"

Foreskin -- getting all "bunched"

I’ve been PE’ing for a few months now.and this has become more and more common ever since I began.

I’m not circumcised, and when I pull the foreskin back to take the head out, I notice that it sometimes gets all “bunched up” and forms a ring of pink skin at the bottom of the glans. I try to pull it down slowly to see why it happens, but it just seems to kinda roll “under” the skin and accumulate more skin as it comes down, ending up as that bunched up “ring.”

That’s the best way I can describe it.

Usually, it happens every now and then, but then goes away. For the past week, however, it has been “bunched up” without stop, sometimes less, sometimes more. Does this happen to anyone else? What can I do about it?

Anyone know?

Look into the donut effect. It may be what you’re experiencing…


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