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Formula Estimated Erect Length

Formula Estimated Erect Length

This is my first post for this site.
I’m now reading a PE book, Penis Enlargement Methods - Fact & Phallusy 9th Edition, Gary Griffin.
At the page 57, there is a formula which estimates EL from FSL ;

Length of erect penis (cm) = 0.604 + 0.935 x fully-stretched flaccid penis

I am recording this as Formula Estimated Erect Length (FEEL).
This is very usefull when I do not want to make erection to measure by fatigue, etc…

In my case, this formula seems correct.
0.604 + 0.935 x BPFSL(=18.5(cm))= 17.902 (cm)

It is in my BPEL range 18.0-17.5cm.
Is this formula fit to you ?

Strange, the longer is the stretched penis, the less you catch up when erect. Why is that?

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Sorry, I can not use chat yet,

Length depends on my body condition and my PE routine…

And also there will be a kind of tolerance or error range of the my way of mesurement and of the formula.

…. especially I am having an Asian body ….

Exactly says. I had a blank of PE, which is more than 1 year.

The indicated max length 18cm as range is the past best length.

My recent measured BPEL is about 17.5cm, and I can make 5mm length by pressing a ruler….

Interesting. Since I started PEing last week I’ve increased my bpfsl by over 1/2" I haven’t measured my BPEL yet though..Anyway using the formula give me a BPEL measurement .3 inches over my initial measuremeant last week. Wouldn’t that be nice…LOL

BTW- http://www.manu … Converts inches to centimeters and back again which is how I did this.

Based on my 7 7/8” (20.00 cm) BPFSL it predicts a BPEL of 7.6” (19.30 cm). I wish. Actual is 7.25”.

Hi hobby, Thanks for your data, I wonder you have a great girth, no ?
My recent girth is about 16cm=6.3inch.
I am just wondering this formula can fit to any kinds of length:girth ratio, or not…

The book stated following at page 45 ;
You can even measure the erect size of your penis WITHOUT an erection. How? By simply stretching the flaccid organ out as far as it will go. This prove that the stretched flaccid length very closely approximates the erect length with a mathematical formula.

BTW, can I post these citations ?

This formula is very close, I used 8.1 flaccid stretch and got 7.59, I do not remember when I last measured the 8.1 flaccid stretch. I have a different flaccid stretch measurement from the pubic bone thru scrotum which gives me 8.5. I used this method to try to limit any skin and fat pad I might pull out from altering the true length.

So lets work with 8.5, comes out to 8.18 :) I personally believe that the larger ones girth is the more flaccid stretch length is lost when the penis becomes erect.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Hi SiamGuy, Thank you for your data,

What I want to know are the two constants or factors of the formula ;

EL = 0.604 + 0.935 x FSL

EL = f(a) + f(b) x FSL

How can the writer or resercher of the book determined ?

I think the f(a), f(b) are coming from ;

1) ratio of length : girth

2) ratio of EL : FSL or FL

3) flexibility of the penile tissue

I will correct the data, and then resolve my questions when I have a time later.

If a man can correct enough statistical data, he can know his own f(a) and f(b) ,

then use his own formula for a while. Thanks for reading….

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