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Gain in BPEL but not NBPEL

Gain in BPEL but not NBPEL

I’ve been PEing for about 2 months now and I have gained about 2cm BPEL but still the same NBPEL. I haven’t gained any weight rather I have been dieting and actually lost about 6 pounds in that time. But it does seem the fat pad is thicker. I have been doing stretches and wet jelqs ever other day routine. Is this a normal thing to gain beneath the fat pad?

Your just pushing harder.

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No I don’t think my pubic bone gives 2cm. I am measuring the exact same way.

Originally Posted by sumyunguy
No I don’t think my pubic bone gives 2cm. I am measuring the exact same way.

You gained weight in your fatpad.

Go to a gym and do some cardio for 30 minutes x 3 or 4 days a week it did me the trick. Also do a few leg lifts and lower abdomen hitting exercises. And eat ‘good’ fats like peanut butter or semi skimmed milk and less of the saturated stuff.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

You may have stretched your suspensory ligament. This lowers the exit point of your shaft and allows you to push the ruler in further (since the pubic bone is angled).

I’m a bit surprised that you haven’t seen any NBP gains at all. This may just be because the skin on your penis hasn’t grown as fast as your shaft. As the shaft becomes longer, it pulls the skin around the base of your penis forward. This causes the “crease” between your abdominal skin and penile skin to move forward as well, creating the illusion of a bigger fat pad. Try stretching the skin on your shaft. It should gradually push the crease back to where it is supposed to be. It should also help to prevent pubic hair from creaping down your shaft, as it does for many PE’ers.

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