Thunder's Place

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Gaining Length At The Expenses Of Girth


That opens ups a whole new can of worms.

I use to do PE( doing manual stretches and Jelqing ) in 2003 and then stop after gaining about 1 inch and it all went bye bye..

So whats the standard reply to that, it’s a hobby and you have to continue it for life?

Jerm628 View stats


Will Settle for > BPEL 7.5" EG 5.5"

Originally Posted by Jerm628
That opens ups a whole new can of worms.
I use to do PE( doing manual stretches and Jelqing ) in 2003 and then stop after gaining about 1 inch and it all went bye bye..
So whats the standard reply to that, it’s a hobby and you have to continue it for life?

Your best bet is to search the many different threads about this.

Coincidentally I did this time, but only because I decided to take a week rest after a 4 weeks period of 6 days on 1 off of 1hour PE and measure it at the end of it (I’ve notice growth usually more at the end of a rest period).

But then, I always been 5.5 girth before starting PE. It’s only that I figured that by being 5.5 already, I was quite happy to become 6 BPEL x 5.5 EG (Erected Girth - sorry, I can’t remember the acronyms for sure)

I shall re-measure at the end of the next week, after two weeks of PE from the rest/measurement. I’ll see what happens.


I have the same problem. During my first two months I went from 5,2 EG to 4,8 EG. I have gained almost an inch in length during this time but the girth went down… The point is that I believed that it is better to concentrate on length and when the length goal is achieved switch to girth. So I followed, let’s say a stretch-oriented routine with plenty of stretching but with very few low-erection jelqs. When I got this astonishing measurement I first thought that it was due to that I was not erect enough. So I measured another day. Same. I waited another 2 days and measured again, hoping that it was just a bad dream. Same 4,8 EG. I have always measured really carefully so I exclude any possibility of mismeasurement.

Now I am about to take my 3-rd month of PE. I am going to include a good portion of jelqing into my routine in order to restore my girth or at least to prevent my dick from thinning even more.

I am doing loads of squeezes these days and it seems to have regained a certain thickness, although having a little of a baseball shaped one, I am concentrating on the base of the shaft where it is thinner (my 5.5 were at mid shaft).

We shall persevere and see.

Keep in touch.

Yep! Today I am starting ))) BTW, I also have a slight baseball shape.


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