Getting to know my penis, the dark side
I am brand new to PE, I lurked for a week or so, started the beginners program (thanks for that) and realized there was no benefit to lurking so I joined. Now, I’m 40 and I got to say I thought I knew my penis pretty well. On a side note, never called him a penis before reading this forum, junk or dick was good enough, you all should feel proud as you have helped me grow. We’ll personally that is, no gains yet.
So let’s get to the point, after three weeks of the beginners routine, I was shocked, actually dumb founded, to see four red patches appear and quickly turn into bumps on the head of the penis, WTF. Okay, maybe I’m just a little to ‘into’ the routine, gotta focus on the move, feel the exercise your doing not over do it right? So I took 2 days off, and didn’t think much of the red spots until I got ready to start PE again.
Thanks to PE I believe I now know ever nook and cranny of my penis, after only 40 years, sad. Right there, on top, four what have to be warts, staring right at me. The area is sensitive and I think they are growing. After some diligent internet research it appears that I have genital warts that are the result of the HPV virus. Okay. I also learn that there is no test for men to let them know if they have HPV. Not Okay. If you have the symptoms, warts, you have at least one of the 60+ variations of the virus. That guys, is how you find out, too late. There are lots of stats (guesses) out there saying between half to two thirds of the population has at least one of the variations of the virus, and most of the men will never know. The woman, well they get to deal with the possibility of cancer.
Now, as I start down the path of PE, I also start down another path of HPV. Who knew I had a whole new life of acronyms waiting for me!
A completely separate issue, if you will allow me.
I started on the path of PE to hopefully compete with the younger more endowed men out there for the dwindling number of worthy woman my age. Was with my wife for 9 years, married 6 and have been divorced and celibate for 3. Nine years without a sign of HPV, where the h*!! Did it come from. The previous woman I had a relationship with always lasted a few years, but also just so happened that the next man they were with had a ‘huge cock’ their words. Hmm, did I put 2 and 2 together, not really since they seemed satisfied for years.
So as the post header suggests, with PE I have begun staring at my penis from all angles, and learning what ever part on the inside feels like so I can tell if I am doing damage or good. I notice the ingrown hairs, strange looking veins, discoloration or different shades of skin covering different areas of the shaft and head. All this new knowledge and no one to tell. I like to talk as I am sure you are now well aware, when I learn something I try to find a way to share without coming across as one of those people. Here is what I have learned/noticed. The skin on the top half of my shaft is darker then the skin on the lower half, why? The skin on the head (glands?) is darker on the lower half and lighter, almost acid burned on the top half near the hole (scientific name?). And here is my REAL concern, the ridge around the gland is redder (I’m Caucasian and circumcised) and has hundreds of little bumps, could be many many ridges while in a flaccid state. Haven’t gotten an erection (used to always say hard, thanks for that as well) since the whole HPV wake up call so I can’t tell you if they exist then as well. Do other people have many little ridges/bumps all along the outside of the glands? I think I’m seeing things now since I am staring at the penis looking for anything that says ‘I’m unhealthy, help me’. This brings me to one last thing I noticed, sorry. There is about ¼ inch of lighter colored stretched looking skin that I never noticed before between the point where the glands start and where the darker top half of skin on the shaft (from the last paragraph) ends. Normal or is it new growth?
Thanks for listening.