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Glans size after jelquing

Glans size after jelquing

I ve been noticing a lot of different responses from my penis after jelqing depending on technique and strength used in the jelqs. I ve always got a plump feeling and veiny but today I ve noticed a huge increase in the glans size from slower, more focused jelqs. Is this a good sign? After sessions do you see glans size increase as a good way to measure the efficacy of a session? I haven’t seen anything about it in the PI threads. Thanks in advance.

I´m not a newbie, I started PEing in 2002. I don´t remember seeing glans size increase after my jelqing sessions, despite that by jelqing you force all the blood to the glans. By doing slower and more focused jelqs, of course, the glans size increases. Perhaps you do them with more pressure. I remember when, after working my dick in length and in girth, I focused in enlarging the head (glans). It always looked as it was going to explode any minute!

Be aware of the anatomy.


The corpora cavernosa (the main erectile chambers) are the ones you concentrate on while doing the jelq exercise. The glans is connected only to the corpus spongiosum (CS - the ridge on the “bottom” side of the penis). Depending on your grip you can put more or less pressure on the CS. This may cause some swelling of the tissues which traps blood in the glans. It usually returns to its normal size after you stop exercising. So I’d say that glans size after the jelq isn’t really an indication of anything good or bad.

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