Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going Too Far


Thank you for sharing. It’s good to have reminders of why patience is a virtue in PE, and I’ve found a lot more motivation in failure on this site than I have with success stories.

Start: 7.375" x 5" | Current: 7.75" x 5.063" | Goal Size: 8.25" x 5.8"

(All measurements bone pressed)

I encourage everyone to do research for themselves and go to the source of the studies. I follow the science first. I think you can forget and ignore most Infrared/near-infrared laser or LED products designed and sold for modalities or therapeutic methods. LED panel camera floodlights are actually fairly good to use for this, provided they can put out between 20-40 watts. Any more than 100 watts appears to be too much.

All things considered, the science is in it’s infancy but there is enough information available to benefit from it by learning how you can use it yourself. Just try to best replicate what was used in the studies.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

Thanks Alexisonfire. If I cant be an example of what to do at least I can be a warning of what not to do.

I wouldn’t discourage anyone from doing most of the things laid out on this site. These techniques came about through experimentation and trial and error, learning what works. Just don’t become impatient. I do remember just before getting injured saying I was going to go at this twice as hard to get more gains. Maybe I was maxed out already and needed to slow down or even stop for a very long time. Sometimes the greatest action to take is no action. Words to live by.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

Pavlovsdog - would any old camera LED panel work? Would I need to use an orange or blue filter? How close would I need to keep it to the skin? Are there adverse reactions to using a camera panel? I can’t seem to find any information on using camera LED panels on the body.


Wow, long time no post. Back after 3 years! Just read all that info I wrote and compared it to what I know now. Here’s an update:

1. I haven’t done any PE in 3 years or more.
2. I am going to restart by following the expert advice of big gainers on here.
3. I’ve fully recovered from any damage I inflicted. ( outwardly anyway, no bends, dents, volume loss, etc ).

On a side note for other reasons entirely I began taking low dose naltexone last June and developed frequent and very hard erections. I take the LDN before bed and I have a long lasting erection once during the night and when waking in the morning. This was not typical for me on the whole and it may have aided in recovery somewhat. My libido has improved as well. I’ve read some anecdotal evidence that LDN improves the hormone profile and increases Testosterone slightly. I haven’t had it tested yet but will soon.
Regardless I’m ‘Back in the ring to take another swing’.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"


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