Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Great Idea

Great Idea

Wow I’ve been lurking forever and finally am ready to start.

Here are my stats

FL = 2”
FG = 3.5”
EL = 5”
EPBL = 6”
EG = 5”

I don’t have an ultimate goal to be honest, I just love the fact that playing with my caulk enough will make it huge. Just playing with the motions mentioned in this thread make my little guy look and feel like a monster. I was watching some skin flic and put my hand down my pants and it was like a different Richard, so I ran into the bathroom and saw a side shot in the mirror. I was like wow, it looks huge. I can definitely understand now how certain angles in pornos make guys look huge. Anyway I digress.

I don’t really want to focus specifically on anything, I just want Mr. Johnson to get bigger and Bigger and BIGGER. I am open to all of the techniques.

right now since I am 6x5 I would guess 7x5.5 to 8x6 to 9x7 to 10x8 would be the natural progression.

This will be a Life Change for me because I also plan to lose weight and hit the gym. I just got a membership to a brand new gym with 50,000 sq ft. I want to lose about 30lbs and get rid of my fat pad on my crotch.

So, lose weight, gain muscle, lose the fat pad, and grow a big Shaft.

( No Flames )
I’ve got Lipo-Burn for the weight loss ( this stuff rocks, as good as Xenadrine RFA-1 without any jitters, I can take this stuff and go to sleep )
I’ve got the gym and Creatine to gain muscle
I’ve been thinking about Cutting Gel to get rid of the fat pad
I’ve got a PJ and a Bib Hanger for the Hairy Beast and thinking about a Wench.

If you had it to do all over again from the beginning which routines would you do? I love fooling around in the morning while I take a long hot shower since this is effectively a great time to combine heating with stretches.

I’m open to suggestions on products that are not too expensive, but I’d like to know what you would go for if you were in my position.


It’s always a great idea to start at the beginning and progress from there. So I would say get your cock in condition by starting with the basic newbie routine of manual stretching and jelqing, which includes doing Kegels and hot wraps. Once you get into condition, you will have a better feel for the direction you want to take, so do that first and then ask more questions.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Exactly, I’ve been doing that for the last week or so for preparation, how long would you suggest I keep this up before I get into it?

About a month or so would be best, no reason to jump in too early, get a thrombosed vein or some other injury and move backwards. You have a good attitude so I think you’ll do great.

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills

Thanks! Yeah I am very excited, and it shows. I’ve always been a goof ball, so getting the girls has been decent, but now since I have made my career goals and bought a house I have no reason NOT to get in fabulous shape. I even told a few of my female friends about PE and they were like “why would you want to do that?” and I was like “why do you want bigger boobs” and they are cool about it now. I even have a couple of girls joking about examining it for me occasionally. Anyway what do you think of the idea about Cutting Gel on the pelvic pad? I have not researched it on this forum yet, but it sounds like a good idea as long as there are no side effects. Talk to you all soon!


I am sceptical about these so called cutting gels. It is not possible to ‘spot reduce’ fat stores so to speak.

Cutting Gel

you know I am not really sure if it works or not on the fat pad, but I have a friend who sad it did wonders on his abs so I was going to try it. I posted in the supplements section to see if anyone has had any experience with it, you can find the post here.

Cutting Gel

Ok so today was great I had a lot of fun in the shower did a nice 20 minute business breakfast with JR. I actually used the PJ for the grip and stretch, which was awesome. Then I did some manual stretches with kegels which is so much fun. I didn’t have much time to get into the jelqing so I might jelq tonight but I was thinking about keeping it to once a day since this is new.

Tonight I went to the new gym, there was a 60/40 girl guy ratio which was awesome cause there were over 200 people there. I came up with the idea of low intensity cardio for fat burn. I watched this guy run for 60 minutes at 0 incline sweating his ass off and he burned 1000 calories. I decided I wanted something similar without exhausting myself so I walked on a 15 degree incline for 60 minutes and burned 900 calories at a lower heart rate which is better for fat loss.

I was very happy with the results and I hope Mr. Wonderful was getting a little blood flow as well.

Anyway would still love to hear some suggestions from ya’ll for PE. I think I am also going to add a multivitamin and meditation to my routine for added benefit.

Life Change

Interesting Day

Incorporated a Multivitamin into my routine, got the Centrum.

Did another 60 minutes on the Treadmill, 1000 Calories

Did my 3 Lipo-Burns.

Incorporated 2 balance bars into my diet so I have 5 meals a day

Trying to drink between 1 and 2 gallons of water per day

Did 15 minutes of stretching this morning, but could not get hard enough to do proper jelqs so I just skipped them will do tomorrow.

2 on 1 off will be fine.

Caloric Intake 1800 Calories

My weight was 200lbs as of January 1st

My lean mass is 165 so my goal is 180 for now.

Since I am 6x5 I am thinking working on Stretches and Kegels and incorporating hanging into my routine with occasional jelqing.

I will start hanging in February

What do you think?

If you want to lose fat, go swimming!
Just do as much as you can every day.

treadmills, bikes.. what a load of crud..

I can’t remember now, but the amount of calories burnt off by swimming is a LOT more than any of the crappy gym equiptment can handle.

Swimming involves more muscle groups, so all of those will get nicely toned too!

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

Originally posted by Super_Ectomorph
If you want to lose fat, go swimming!
Just do as much as you can every day.

treadmills, bikes.. what a load of crud..

I can't remember now, but the amount of calories burnt off by swimming is a LOT more than any of the crappy gym equiptment can handle.

Swimming involves more muscle groups, so all of those will get nicely toned too!

I like your idea and I used to do that, unfortunately that is the only think my gym does not have.


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