Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Greetings and Questions

Greetings and Questions

Hello Everyone,
I stumbled across this web page a few days ago, and since then have been browsing the forums and reading a lot of stories from current members and I have to say I am intrigued. I have a rather average length penis, but my girth is extremely below average and it really gets me down sometimes when I know I could be doing a lot better. What I would like to ask of you guys is.. Around what age do you recommend starting PE methods described in these forums? I am just approaching my early twenties and I don’t really know when the penis stops growing but what I really want to ask is, if there is any natural growth to come, will doing PE damage my chances at all? Also I have heard some pretty scary stories about jelqing and the damage it can do to the penis, I’m worried about this because simply put.. I am an idiot and it’s difficult for me to attempt something when I only have written instructions so how likely is it to cause bruising or permanent damage from this method?

Secondly I have also heard about kegels from another source in the past, but have been completely unsuccessful (as far as I know) in even locating the correct muscle, could someone possibly direct me to a very detailed explanation of this? I’ve found the recommendations for newbies but I’ve had a little trouble finding the information about each exercise.

Thank you for your patience, Sorry for the bad post but I do tend to be rather scared about this type of thing, worried about causing damage and such as I already have enough problems down below without adding to the mix.

And just if anyone is curious my current length is just slightly over 5 inches, of course I would not mind more length but I am not particularly worried about that area, but my girth is just a little over 4 inches.. Thats mainly what I would be interested in improving, if anyone can offer me some advice or anything to reassure me, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.

Last edited by Fussy : 02-06-2005 at .

My advice: read, read, read, read, read, read, read, start with the newbie routine.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by Fussy

I am an idiot and it’s difficult for me to attempt something when I only have written instructions…

Just For You

Originally Posted by Fussy
Secondly I have also heard about kegels from another source in the past, but have been completely unsuccessful (as far as I know) in even locating the correct muscle, could someone possibly direct me to a very detailed explanation of this?

You’re asking the right questions: Locating the BC Muscle

Thanks for the fast replies guys.. I know I sound like I have not been reading but I’ve spent the last few days just reading all the posts in the newbie forum, but the fact that I am a different person and am concerned about different things than other new members, I just thought I would make a post for those reasons, and for introduction.


Welcome! With over 40,000 threads, at last count, it’s hard to know just what to read. I don't recommend doing what I did: that is, lurking for almost two years before starting to actively post.

What I do recommend, is starting your search for information by noticing the names of all the forums on the front page. There are over 20 English language forums available for members to check out: I’m sure you’ll find at least one forum that interests or concerns you!

At the top of many forums there are plenty of “sticky threads” that give vital information about the subject in question: make sure you don’t miss them! The Newbie Forum is a great place to start, well done!

Don’t be afraid of what others may think about when you post something that is of great concern to you personally, just try and be polite (although you are Canadian, and if I’m not mistaken, if you’re rude your citizenship will be taken away…:D )



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