Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hairy penis

“Using patented radio frequency technology - Finally Free kills the hair at the root - by sending a cool dry wave through the hair and destroying it’s ability to regrow. “

Sounds like bullshit to me.


Damn I just noticed some hair (really fine ones) right up by the top of my dick :( I bet I win now.

I do what vs does with tweezing. I have the tweezers right next to the toilet and do it a bit at a time. It usually takes me two days to get it completely, but then I don’t have to do it again for a month. I can’t imagine getting near my precious with a razor. YIKES!! I clipper and tweeze. Works the best for me. I am actually going to try waxing one day. Just seems like a faster way of tweezing.


Pluck and pull with the hair direction. RTG, brave man, very brave.

Originally Posted by bam

RTG, brave man, very brave.

Or very stupid. I’ll let you know which it is after the deed. :D


I think it’s a certain combination that we all have. I have to say you do have balls, just don’t stuff up or maybe that won’t be the case.

Originally Posted by totem
Damn I just noticed some hair (really fine ones) right up by the top of my dick :( I bet I win now.

You’re not the only one, I’ve got maybe 5 little hairs on the top, left side of my dick but I’ve also got sebaceous glands so there you go. They’re so tiny you can only see them in a good light. They’re easy to pluck though.

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

Originally Posted by ElFunk
I’ll update you guys as well.. Just shaved my penis and balls and it ITCHES LIKE HELL.
I’ll tell you how it went.

If thats you first time shaving, you have a long time before it stops itching. I’ve been shaving for years and it doesn’t itch any more. But I remember when I first started, seems like it itched for a long time. Like a year or so? Anybody remember how long they itched for?

Maybe if you shave a certain why it wont itch as much. I just use my electric razor.

Originally Posted by Regenisis
Did some groceries this afternoon and picked up some tweezers. Once my stubble gets long enough I’ll give it a shot and report back and let you know how it went for me ;)

Well I plucked and plucked last night and got rid of most of the hair that I would usually shave though I did not do my scrotum. I must say WOW! It didn’t really hurt that much and from now on I plan to keep using tweezers. Usually the next day after I shave I have the stubble back and it feels like crap, with plucking I am still smooth as hell.

I say give it a try!

On the long road to 8"X6"

and I live my life an 1/8 of inch at a time.

Plucked after a long hot bath. Hurt my neck the most from scrunching over to see…

Originally Posted by mgus
Plucked after a long hot bath. Hurt my neck the most from scrunching over to see…

I would agree, that is the worst part. ;)

On the long road to 8"X6"

and I live my life an 1/8 of inch at a time.

Took a long warm shower.

10 min warm wrap

Put on some Gillette shaving cream for another ten minutes (helps soften the hairs, I think)

Rinsed with warm water and just went for it. Two hours later I have totally hairless dick

Still hurt a bit even with all the preparation but it is well worth it.

Just be careful that you pull straight up in the angle of growth or else some skin follows the hair (yes that does hurt)

The girlfriend absolutely loved it and the wife thought I did it for her and she also showed her appreciation in the bedroom.

It is definitely worth a few hours of your time and tiny bit of pain. It also helps with jelqing.

I have a hairy penis also, but I shave when I know I’m going to be with my girl or a girl where something might go down. Doesn’t take long and if you shave it should be smooth.

Originally Posted by WantBigDick
The girlfriend absolutely loved it and the wife thought I did it for her and she also showed her appreciation in the bedroom.

Ok, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am moving to S. Africa!!



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