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Has no one tried low concentrations of salicylic acid

Hydroquinone is not extreme. As I understand it a lot of black people use it to simply “even” their skin tone on their face or something. It doesn’t lighten that much like the bleach you use in laundry or something!

Mr. Happy just google lara flynn boyle and anal bleaching.

Well, I hope this works, because I’m tired of having a “roasted cock.” I also have some discoloration on my glans, and there’s no way I’m using the strong stuff there.

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It’s been eleven days now. Each evening I’ve used 2% salicylic acid and each night I’ve scrubbed my dick.

The Results so Far:

I’ve experienced very light flaking on occasion and it does appear that I am healing. I think that if I continued with this method for a full two months I MIGHT be back to normal. The process is very slow, but the major positive is that it is painless.

I just received the 5% solution in the mail today and I’m tempted to use it. I’m anxious to get back to PE. All this while I’ve been lifting weights as a distraction and I am determined to be fully healed before I return to PE.

One thing of note is the fact that my discoloration is splotchy. It first appeared in splotches and it is healing in splotches. It’s very uneven. In other words, even though I am healing, I am still suffering with UDS (Ugly Dick Syndrome).

Any thoughts on whether I should continue with the 2% or jump to the 5%?

When you say you’re “healing,” do you mean your discoloration is fading?

My peels with the stronger stuff produced a “splotchy” result at first. Only after the 3rd or 4th peel did the result start to look uniform.

Regarding whether to jump to the 5%, I suggest you not change anything as long as the 2% solution is working.

Try not to get discouraged by how long this takes. Even with the stronger solution, it took a good 2 months or more before I started to see good results. In the meantime, you learn to live with a multicolored dick.

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Modesto: Yes, I do mean that my discoloration is fading. The splotchiness really sucks though.

As a slight update: The temptation to use the 5% was too much too bear. I just tried it out an hour ago. It is painless. The only downside to the 5% is that it is expensive. I payed $25 for 2 oz. If anyone can find a better price please let me know. Even a cheap 10% solution would peak my interest.

Maybe you could do something like dilute this 25% solution that is $40 for 2oz. That’d be about 1/3 the cost per 5% application. It looks like most of the high percentage salicylic solutions are basically just the acid + propylene glycol ie alcohol.

In fact, having something high enough to dilute might be useful for figuring out just the percentage you like just by trying different portions with different dilutions. Maybe it’d turn out that 8% has non-irratating yet very effective for once every day applications but 10% results in discomfort, for example.

Well done Don, I will try to get this soon and try myself.

Starting Aug/06: BPEL 5.5", EG 4.3"

05/Feb/2007: BPEL 6.3", NBPEL 5.7", EG 4.9"

I don’t know why I didn’t think of that vkn1. The wart remover (17%) is only $10 per oz. I could just dilute that! I’ve got about 1/4 oz left of it. I’ll add exactly the same amount of water to it and that should dilute it to 8.5% right? Yea, I failed Chemistry.

I think someone said wart remover has a bunch of other stuff in it, thickeners in particular. I’m not a chemist either but my hunch is that it might not be possible to make a truly homogeneous or whatever solution by diluting with water. I hope someone who knows something about chemistry pipes up here. My guess is that water wouldn’t be what you’d want to use for the other types of simpler solutions either, but rather alcohol or whatever the base of their solution is. Of course, I could be wrong and water would work.

Any chemists here?

It looks like the wart remover has alcohol and ether in it already. I would like to know if I should add water or alcohol because I really want to figure out exactly how strong a solution of salicylic acid it takes to produce that horrible burn. I’d like to stay just below that level. My goal here is to find a strong, pain-free, fast acting solution to discoloration.

Modestoman, have you ever been able to get to a point where you could say that your dick was back to it’s original color completely?

Originally Posted by DonKingCrotch

Modestoman, have you ever been able to get to a point where you could say that your dick was back to it’s original color completely?

I think so, but it took time. Several peels were required, and then I needed time for the freshly peeled skin (which turned pink after the peels) to darken to its normal tone.

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How much time are we talking about? How many peels?

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

So what’s the scoop on Lara Flynn Boyle? She’s using hydroquinone to bleach her ass? Why? Is going into porn? Or just making a kinky video (like Pam Anderson)?

Tell me. Tell me. Inquiring minds what to know.

Ass Bleaching = The New Botox.


While hydroquinone is brought up, I’ll just throw in that I think it is working. At least this product which has a combination of it and tretinoin.

The way hydroquinone works is that it stops the synthesis of melanin. My idea is that if melanin is the cause of women’s buttholes being darker than they’d like, it’s probably also the cause of my dick being darker than I like. My dick has gotten darker and darker with age (and in my opinion thereby less attractive). After about a month of using this hydroquinone+tretinoin my dick really has more youthful appearance too me. Just thought I’d give the update on it. By the way, this form of darkening is different from the iron deposits from blood, I recognize that. I want to prevent both.

Originally Posted by Thatcat


How much time are we talking about? How many peels?

About 5 peels for me, spanning a period of 3 months or so.

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