Thunder's Place

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Heat and damage - permanent

Heat and damage - permanent


Some time ago I had read elsewhere that heat can damage semen in the testicle - there was some broohah about this due to using laptops (literally on the lap), and ensuing discussion about how men could soak in a certain temp hot tub as possible birth control. The information I had seen was rather vague.

In searching the forums for more info, it appears heat it a good thing for the muscle and ligaments, various ways to heat up with wet rags, ziplock bags, rice socks, IR lamps, and so on. I had come across a few bits and pieces of people saying to protect the testicles, etc etc, but again, they were rather vague. What I’m most curious/concerned about - is the damage done to the testicles permanent, or any risk of it becoming permanent? Or does it only affect the semen?

I searched the forum here for “heat damage testicle” without results, if this has been covered before, I’m not sure what the appropriate search terms would be.

Appreciate your input.

/forum/search.p … earchid=1429850

I used the key words heat, damage, sperm. Not a big deal with the terms, I got lucky.

Welcome to Thunders!

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Thanks, boy do I feel stupid. Looks like it’s not permanent. Do I get credit for at least trying? :)

You get a lot of credit for trying! Yeah zakerny!!!

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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