Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hello all, I am new

Thank you onehunglow.

Last night I tried some jelqing for about 10 minutes. Nothing heavy or intense. I have to admit that after the session I did appear a little bigger (though it returned to normal size within the hour). I am really confident about PE’ing.

Also, I looked everywhere but I can’t find that explains the way people measure themselves (like bpel). Can you please point me to that thread or post a short summary.

Once again, thank you :)

Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

Accolade, Welcome to Thunders!

A Bone Pressed Erect Length (BPEL) measurement is taken by placing a ruler on the top of your erect penis and forcing the ruler backwards into your skin (a.k.a. “fat pad”) until the end of the ruler is touching your pubic bone. Its the most reliable way to measure length as “regular” erect length measurements can be innaccurate. Plus, it’s longer so it makes us all feel a little better. :)

As far as pleasing your girlfriend; invest some time into reading/learning/practicing oral sex. Your girlfriend will forget about any potential size issues when you can please her with your tongue. Besides, size isn’t really likely to be an issue anyhow.

Again, Welcome aboard. Stick to the newbie routine and you will see some gains with persistance and dedication. As others have said, this doesn’t happen overnight but it definitely works.



This is what I plan to do..
(I don’t have much spare time so I had to shorten the sessions)

5 minute warm up
5 minutes manual stretch
10 minutes jelqing
5 minutes manual stretch
5 minute warm “down”

During the day I plan to kegel for about 15 minutes twice a day. (Holding each for 5 seconds)

Any suggestions guys?

Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

Stretch before jelqing for 10-15 Min's

I advise you not to stretch after jelqing. Stretching right away after jelqing would spoil your whole previous jelq process. Stretching it fat is different from stretching it thin. You have to stretch it when it’s thin for good results. After jelqing your penis should hang fatter than ever, stretching your penis can result in making your penis look thin faster.

Stretch it continuously for 15 minutes for best results without going too hard on it. That’s the best advice I can give.

Good luck.

Current: 8+ x 5.5

soon to be nine.

Why can’t I start a thread in certain forums??

The error message is..

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Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

well Accolade you never told us about your girl. How did it go, or are you still being shy? Come on man spill the beans. Are you seeing any gains yet? Best of luck to ya!

Welcome Accolade,

Studmuffin I am really impressed that you started in December 05, according to your signature. What technique do you use to time travel? Sonic Jelq?

Hey again guys,

I had a HUGE gain this past month. You can see it in my sig. And what makes me even happier is that when I am with my girlfriend I get more aroused and I get even bigger!

I love this stuff!!

OH, and I am no longer shy with my girlfriend :) She told me that I can do “anything” to her :)

Also, some of you may remember that I stated that I had premature ejaculation. I started Kegeling several times a day for 15-30 minutes and I can say that because of that (and the help of edging) I can last so much longer.

The future is bright guys, THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT!!


Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

Jealous :(

8/26/08: FL: 3" FG: 3" BPEL: 5" EG: 4" 12/9/09: FL: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: right under 4.25"

3/30/09: F:: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: 4.25"

Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.5"

Congratulations, accolade! I love hearing Thunder’s Place Success Stories! Isn’t it great to be part of a community of guys that can help each other in these intimate areas?

Keep it up, fella!


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Congratulations, accolade! I love hearing Thunder’s Place Success Stories! Isn’t it great to be part of a community of guys that can help each other in these intimate areas?

Keep it up, fella!



It feels so great that I can go someplace to ask guy questions to other guys! WHen I get money I will donate is expensive :(

Started on 2-09-05: 4.5" Long 4.5" Around As of 3-15-05: 5.1" Long 4.75" Around

You have a car in New York City???

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Glad to hear of your success! Keep at it buddy, I see BIG things in your future!

Conratulations accolade, you’re doing great! It really is a great feeling when you see concrete evidence of the effectiveness of your efforts. Enjoy that feeling and keep up the good work!


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