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Hello, and a girth measuring question


Hello, and a girth measuring question

Hello everyone,
I’m not a total newbie - I did a bit of PE a few years ago, and now I’m back back in the business;) .
I started a newbie routine yesterday, and took some measurements today:
On a very good erection I got 7.4’) BPEL, but normally it’s between 7.0-7.2” I guess.

The question I have is about measuring girth. I can’t get the grasp on how to do this, because of all the soft parts of my dick(veins,skin).
If I don’t wrap the measuring tape tight, there is a bit of free space around my dick, but if I do wrap it tight, my veins get squeezed a bit, so the dick is smaller then it really is. The force with which I squeeze can affect the measurement I take by 0.5”. It’s a lot, and it renders me unable to measure my girth well.. Anyway, My girth is either 5.7”(lose wrap), 5.5”(the weakest wrap that leaves no visible free space) and 5.2”(all soft parts squeezed).How do you do it to keep a good track of gains? And which one would you take for a real girth?

I measure girth using a piece of scotch tape. Start it on top, let it naturally wrap around and mark the place it crosses the beginning. You can do this with a pen or just simply by creasing the tape there. Because the tape is lying flat all around the girth I find it to be the most accurate measurement without tension or slack.

I measure with a slightly snug wrap, with my tape making a small indentation in the shaft skin. The most important thing in measuring for progress is to use a uniform measuring technique. If you prefer a tight wrap (more closely targeting the engorged erectile tissues within), then simply measure the same way throughout your PE efforts, and likewise with a looser wrap.

Measure the biggest area. This is all in the size. Weather there is gaps or not. It still is that thick mathematically!

Thanks for the responses guys.
I have a few more questions to you;) .

How do you guys do stretches and jelqing in the same session?
I can’t do stretches before jelqing, because it makes me feel strange and thus cause weaker erections, but I can’t do stretches after jelqing too, because It takes around an hour for my penis to become totally flacid after jelqing.. How do you do this? I’m considering doing them both in totally different sessions..

Also, after the 150-200 jelqs, one of the small arteries in my dick gets visible. It’s strongly pulsating, and produces a strange sensation if I continue exercises. Does anyone else have this problem?

P.S. Is flaccid, or flacid a correct word?

Ease up a tad. Too much pressure to start!

Originally Posted by BadMr
….How do you guys do stretches and jelqing in the same session?
I can’t do stretches before jelqing, because it makes me feel strange and thus cause weaker erections, but I can’t do stretches after jelqing too, because It takes around an hour for my penis to become totally flacid after jelqing.. How do you do this? I’m considering doing them both in totally different sessions..

Also, after the 150-200 jelqs, one of the small arteries in my dick gets visible. It’s strongly pulsating, and produces a strange sensation if I continue exercises. Does anyone else have this problem?

P.S. Is flaccid, or flacid a correct word?

Flaccid is correct, and is pronounced “flak-sid.”

You should have no problem doing stretches as a prelude to jelqing. Perhaps you are stretching too aggressively. Ease up a bit and see what happens. If it continues to be an issue, there is no reason not to do your stretches at any other time of the day, separately from your jelqing. Just remember to incorporate a good warm-up prior to both sessions if you separate them. By the way, jelqing is best done with a partial erection, not completely flaccid, so if your stretching stimulates you to partly erect, then you’re already prepped to jelq. Do avoid full erections during jelqing, however.

I have not experienced a pulsating vein, but instead my veins become more defined after jelqing. You may be jelqing too forcefully, either too quickly, or too tight of a grip, or both. Try lightening up and watch your veins closely, along with other PI factors. Depending upon where that vein is located, you may try focusing your grip a bit differently. Do a Search for “vein” or “veins” and see what turns up. You may find some helpful information in prior threads.

Also, be sure to begin the newbie routine at the minimum recommended starting times for stretching and jelqing. Work up toward the maximum recommended times gradually, then stick with the routine for at least three months before considering changes (always monitoring PIs closely). When making changes, do so gradually, and give the new routine time to work. If a routine is working well, just stay with it until progress ceases. Measure infrequently, no more often than once monthly, and perhaps every two or three months is better.

Last edited by calfaddict : 11-03-2007 at .


I do stop immediately after the artery shows up, but I don’t think the cause is me overtraining my dick. All the other tissues seems to be working exactly the way they are intented to do during jelqing, and I don’t experience any spots which always were a first sing of overdoing PE for me..

Additionally, judging by my former experiences, I really do take it lightly..


Thanks for the answer on spelling and pronunciation;) .

Today I tried to stretch, but couldn’t because I almost immediately got an erection. Heh.. Maybe stretching is not made for me.:P
I do jelq with about 50% erection on average-I usually stroke a few times to get around 80% erection(dick is at it’s maximum size, but it’s “soft”.. Or rather simply “not hard”), and then jelq it down till it’s about 30%.. Rinse and repeat.

I tried searching, but couldn’t find anything about similar things. I’ll try to describe it better and more thoroughly then I did..
It’s definitely an artery and not a vein. It’s very small(<=1 mm width), and it surfaces(normally it’s hidden) on the top/right side of my dick. It is very tense/hard.. Difficult to feels as if I had something beneath my skin. Like a metal wire along the shaft. It pulsate’s pretty strong, but it’s neither visible nor feelable without touching.

Not sure what it is.. I stop my excercises immediatly after it becomes visible, and will continue to do so until I identify it, although all other sings on earth shows no overdoing it as I already mentioned. If someone could point me to some good penis anatomical online pictures I could probably try to pinpoint it, but my anatomical atlas shows nothing similar in this place:P. It also shows totally different veins layout then the on I have, so I guess the whole vein/artery system of my penis is totally messed up(or rather.. Randomized?:P ). Any thoughts?

Well, possible you may want to try a different angle or position. I.e. Sitting oppose to standing or vise versa. Anyhow, something may need to be changed, just don’t hurt yourself. Warm up is so important. I have a huge vein on the right side of my dick, so I try to use my right hand so the tight grip will not be on top of the vein directly. This has seem to easy up some slight pain that I have encountered. And when I switch hands, I only use a “C” grip with my left, so it does not bother the vein. Good Luck!

Oct. 07 : BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5" Nov. 07: BPEL 6.875" EG 5.5''

Goal NBPEL 7.0 EG 6.0"

Use the right HEAD when doing exercises! And smile!

Measure at which ever place you want to. Wrap the tape around your dick snugly around your dick. Not too tight though, just enough that there are no spaces between your dick and the tape.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Uhhh… It’s pronounced “flassid”. I’m 99.999% sure.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

Originally Posted by sam1966
Uhhh… It’s pronounced “flassid”. I’m 99.999% sure.

My dictionary shows “flaksid” as the primary pronunciation, although “flassid” is proper and in my experience most commonly heard (in the U.S.).

Originally Posted by BadMr
…. It’s definitely an artery and not a vein. It’s very small(<=1 mm width), and it surfaces(normally it’s hidden) on the top/right side of my dick. It is very tense/hard.. Difficult to feels as if I had something beneath my skin. Like a metal wire along the shaft. It pulsate’s pretty strong, but it’s neither visible nor feelable without touching.

Not sure what it is.. I stop my excercises immediatly after it becomes visible, and will continue to do so until I identify it, although all other sings on earth shows no overdoing it as I already mentioned. If someone could point me to some good penis anatomical online pictures I could probably try to pinpoint it, but my anatomical atlas shows nothing similar in this place:P. It also shows totally different veins layout then the on I have, so I guess the whole vein/artery system of my penis is totally messed up(or rather.. Randomized?:P ). Any thoughts?

I have never experienced a visibly throbbing blood vessel anywhere on my body. Even after 30 minutes of strong jelqing all I see are more defined penile veins—nothing pulsing. You may simply have a unique sort of vascular development in that spot, or a funny convolution of vessels. The safest course of action would be to get a medical opinion, if for no other reason than peace of mind.

Research the term “thrombosis” with the forum search and see if anyone else has described a similar experience. I recall that thrombosis refers to a clot formation in a vessel due to injury to the vessel’s inner wall. The clot itself may feel like small lump, but perhaps it will cause a length of the vessel to harden (like a wire) from pressurized blood backed up within. Left alone, the clot normally dissolves naturally.


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