Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hello everyone.


Man 5 EG is good.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

So what if she’s had a guy with big girth who was lousy in bed. Now she has a man with nice length who knows how to use it. She seems impressed with your endurance and technique. If she ever needs the girth, you have two good hands, use them, preferable one at a time (: I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but if you want more girth you came to the right place. Once you have toughened up your dick with the newbie routine, start working girth. We’ll help. But for now, you should simply enjoy this woman. She sounds like a gem to me.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Save The Sane
The girls that I have practiced fisting with were only with me to be fisted. It was a purely sexual fetish being played out, ZERO intercourse, and “getting attached” is usually frowned upon. And it always helped me to know that even if I did get attached, it wouldn’t be something I would pursue simply because I knew my cock wouldn’t be enough to give her the pleasure she desires. Vain? Maybe. I frankly don’t care if I come off here as vain, seeing as how this is a site dedicated to men trying to enhance their members.

So I figure you are actually into that fisting thing since you met women that love fisting. I don’t condemn fisting, if it’s your fetish, fine. Same for the girl, if she’s into fisting, great, I don’t hate sizequeens - but it simply isn’t my preferred choice of a sex partner.

Vanity is the exact reason why I’m not into fisting. Because I take pride in being able to satisfy my partner with my dick in the first place. And I want a tight fit for myself. Last but not least I do have a size complex to some degree, so for me personally fisting really is nothing but an act of masochism.

Originally Posted by Save The Sane
Now, more than anything, I am just a little weirded out. I have been having sex with this girl for months now, and it has always been amazing. I fell in love with her. Then, one day, she gets really relaxed, we crack out the lube, and .The rest is history. It was the first time she has done it, but she told me afterwards that she was always curious.

You know what ? One of the reasons I began to PE was that my SO had an screaming orgasm when I fingered her with three fingers. I’m with her almost 10 years, we have kids. Never had much of a problem to give her about 3 orgasms per session.

Even so, the incident crushed my ego bigtime. That’s when you know you have a sizecomplex. It was a very intimate situation, we love each other, she responded well to the experiment, she apprecitated my initiative to do so, I gave her one remarkable orgasm - I could have felt like a hero, but quite contrary I had a problem with it.

That’s because I felt couldn’t cope with the thought that I can’t make her orgasm like that just with my dick, but that there are girthier dicks/dildos/etc out there that could.

Originally Posted by Save The Sane
And as far as trying to compete with a grown man’s hand.I don’t know how much you know about fisting, but you can VERY RARELY fuck a woman with your fist the same way you would fuck her with your cock. And if you can, run for the hills before it swallows you whole. No matter what your size, you don’t really have to worry about a girls vagina ripping on you, whereas with fisting, you have to be very careful not to “break” the vagina.

Lastly.Most any girl can be fisted with a good warm-up. Usually, the only thing stopping it is a psychological fear of being able to fit a fist in there. Yes, this is a generalization. But you need to work in generalizations to see the big picture.

Now, I don’t know fisting from personal experience. I think it’s obvious that you normally cannot use your hand the same way as a cock.

The generalization you make here is somewhat dangerous to do, all I heard is that a pussy can accomodate to larger objects with ‘training’ over a large amount of time. Vaginas like dicks come in various sizes, so you may have just had the ‘luck’ of having a vagina that could be fisted.

The point is, does my SO like to be filled up in that extreme way ? Does she like it more than being penetrated by my dick ? Do I have a problem with that ? Do I feel inadequate ??

I think it’s not the majority of women that actually enjoy to be fisted.

And yes, I’d feel very inadequate if my sexpartner very much enjoyed being fisted.



Originally Posted by Big Girtha
So what if she’s had a guy with big girth who was lousy in bed. Now she has a man with nice length who knows how to use it. She seems impressed with your endurance and technique. If she ever needs the girth, you have two good hands, use them, preferable one at a time (: I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but if you want more girth you came to the right place. Once you have toughened up your dick with the newbie routine, start working girth. We’ll help. But for now, you should simply enjoy this woman. She sounds like a gem to me.

Better than therapy.

By the way, since I first started this post, I have gained .2 inches of girth. And it just LOOKS fuller. I have the oval thing going on, and it’s been looking much more circular as of late. Does PE change the shape of the cock, too?


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