Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hello new guy here

Hello new guy here

Hello all first post but been lurking for quite awhile. Tried to place this in pumping but see as a new poster I have to post here.

Just sort of putting this out there for anyone doubting PE works and a question for the experts at the bottom of the post.

Was never really very happy with my penis size (I know join the club) but after doing some research and reading multiple doctors posts online that stated that what size you are born/genetically destined to be is what you get I never pursued it any further. Also found out satisfied with my size or not I was average at 6” bone pressed and just barely under 5” EG. Then shortly after turning 55 had an issue pop up that while I could get hard just fine for sex with the wife I was having trouble staying hard during sex, or some days even getting hard enough for penetration was an issue. Frustrating as hell, mind willing body not. Not getting any younger and I do have a strenuous job in the hot sun and I am sure that has something to do with it. Reason for feeling the issue was mostly age and tiredness is morning sex was never a problem or even evening sex was fine if I had taken the day off. I work seven days a week generally so almost always dog tired in the evenings. Libido and drive though is still same as when I was a teenager.

So to combat the issue I bought a cheap air pump. I rather liked it and after a somewhat awkward discussion with the wife I started using it before sex with the wife with a restriction band. Even used it with masturbation as 55 or not I still feel the need to go pop at least 5 days a week and like I said I just liked the way the pump felt. After a couple weeks I started to notice that while doctors stated you got what you were born with and there was no way to make a penis bigger it sure seemed to be getting longer. The cheap Chinese electric pump died so bought a medical grade pump that came with an electric pump as well as a manual pump. Neither of the pumps had a gauge though nor did the cheap Chinese first one so would just pump till it started to feel uncomfortable then back the pressure off till it did not hurt. Yes I was clueless and blissfully unaware I could hurt myself.. But luckily never did. I would get some edema but always went away by next day. Always had an issue though with my balls wanting to get sucked in as the cylinder was 2.5” wide. About then I found this forum which led me to buying a deluxe pump and 1.75” cylinder from LA Pump.. MUCH better and so much more comfortable.

I was at first a bit alarmed to see now that I had a gauge I was using quite a bit of pressure. For me I would have pain at about 13HG but was just fine at 9 HG and pretty sure that is what I had been using as the pressure the past 6 months. I know people here say 5HG or less but I think it is a chalk it up to everyone is different thing. I would also pump a lot longer than I now know is recommended, generally an hour, though I would drop the pressure back to zero about every 15 minutes. Interestingly even if I use 5HG for 4 consecutive 15 minute sessions I get the same amount of temporary edema as if I used 9 HG. Why? No clue.

I started marking the cylinder with tape for size increments and in 6 months my penis which is definitely a grower not a shower had gone from 6” to 8” and girth had enlarged from almost 5” to 5.5”. BUT bear in mind that is just with the medical grade pump I bought. It has a narrow sharpish base and think it pushes deeper in to the fat pad as using the LA Pump cylinder with that wider and MUCH more comfortable edge it is 7.5”. But I am ecstatic over the change regardless. I normally pump 6 days a week but if the dick is sore still the next day at ALL I take that day off.

After reading here about heat I bought a 24” long? By 2” wide heating pad I could wrap around the tube and it has helped with the girth to the point I had to buy a new 2” cylinder from La Pump. Without heat my penis would almost always darken in color but with heat stays nice and pink. I was packing the 1.75” tube only about 1/2 way but was and still am more interested in girth than length anyway. So I followed one of the moderators here advice.. Sorry can’t recall which mod and now stage and use the smaller tube for the first half of the pumping or till it hits the wall all the way around half way up the shaft then switch to the larger tube for second half. I don’t do any other PE type stuff really except one I have never really read mentioned here which might be a bit tough to explain but will try. When sitting at the computer while on the couch I will grab the end of the penis and pull it down along the crease where the thigh meets the groin. If you do so while sitting up a bit and then cross the feet at the ankles with the couch foot rest up when you lean back in to a normal or slightly reclined sitting position there is a definite noticeable stretch, does not hurt but you do feel it. Will then re-position the head and pull it down further as it stretches.relaxes? And repeat that for an hour a couple times a night. Does it help?? Not a clue but can’t see why it would not help at least a bit.

Before I started this PE thing as a grower not a shower the penis always pointed out and never hung down while flaccid now I can’t remember the last time it pointed straight out while flaccid. Want to thank everyone here for all the posts and help they have given and know probably only 1/100 guys that read the posts here will ever post but the posts help everyone, so thank you on behalf of all the lurkers. So far the gains I have made don’t seem to be slowing down or stopping. I do wish the girth gain was a bit faster but I realize some people it takes years to gain what I have in 6 months so don’t take that as a complaint. I am happy to be in the smaller percent that seems to grow easier/faster.

I did have a question for the experts though. I still use the medical grade pump prior to sex.. The reason is the LA Pump cylinder has that wide base flange on it so it makes getting the restriction band on impossible or at least would not be able to place the ring as far down on the shaft. The medical grade pump has a twisting attachment at the bottom that pushes the band off the cylinder and on to the penis when it is pumped up and you are ready. The thing is since doing the PE for 6 months or so I have noticed that while I have been getting thicker over time even the smaller restriction bands will not fully keep the blood trapped in the penis and do have to re-pump sometimes during sex, never had to do so before. Have now been using two bands which fixes the problem. At first I just thought maybe the bands were getting stretched out but it is the same issue with even brand new bands? Could it be that the PE and pumping has caused better blood flow out of the penis? Larger stronger veins or something? If anyone knows the answer to or theories on this I sure would appreciate it.

Welcome to Thunders Will Vax!

Maybe others who have more experience relative to pumping and bands can answer some of your questions.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb


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