It’s not really enlarging the balls themselves, just the sac holding them. You basically are stretching the skin on your sack in every way possible to make it as pliable as possible, and then pull it as far as it will go so your nuts will hang lower. This does seem to give them a “bigger” appearance, although I’m not sure if they get any bigger or not (my guess is they don’t, it’s only skin you’re stretching and shaping after all).
You can start out by tugging a little area of your sack, then bigger and bigger areas until your entire sack is very pliable and stretchy. Then keep stretching the skin alone in any direction you can, right, left, up, down, backwards under your torso, outwards away from you, and anything else you can imagine that DOESN’T HURT. Like any PE exercize, if it hurts, STOP!! I would suggest sticking to doing only this for the first couple of weeks, just to get your sack ready for the harder exercizes.
After you’ve been doing this to your sack (skin) for a while, you can start to actually grab your nuts and stretch with them in specific directions. Before you actually do anything with your nads, you always want to warm up your sack a little by pulling and tugging the skin to a quite pliable state. Once that’s achieved, you can grab your nuts with your sack, and stretch the whole thing down, hold for 15 secs, then lift. Then up, hold, then lift. Then over to the right, left, etc etc. Stretch them out from eachother, stretching each towards your knees in opposing directions from their natural joined state. Stretch one up and one down, then one far to the left and one far to the right. Basically, figure out any way you can to stretch it that DOESN’T HURT but to where you can still feel a definite stretch of your scrotum.
I’ve worked myself down to a quick 5-minute routine, but when I first started, I had to spend 10 minutes on it simply to get my skin worked into a proper state (even with a main warm-up beforehand, the skin just loves to retract) and then do the more advanced exercizes. I’ve done this exercize for…I guess it’s been about 8 or 9 months now, and my nuts naturally hang lower, fuller, juicier, meatier, basically bigger, fatter and looser than before, and they’re fucking hilarious to play with now, and it’s a powerful feeling having to spread your legs apart at night just to give your boys enough room on the bed to hang comfortably. =)
The point of this exercize btw, aside from the aesthetical obviousness of having bigger nuts, is that having a nice pair of low-hanging kiwis swinging around down there is a lot better for them than having them nestled high into the body. The more heat there is on your balls, the more chances you have of a lowered sperm count…so keep those huevos cool and you’ll have a high sperm count. Theoretically anyway.
And besides, low-hanging balls are just fun to have. Only during the summer are they a pain. Like when they start hanging just above your knees…that’s a pain in the ass. But hey, they’re nice to have regardless. =)