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(HELP) After A Month And A Half, Im Think About Decon'ing Due To A Shot EQ

(HELP) After A Month And A Half, Im Think About Decon'ing Due To A Shot EQ

Is that too soon, or should I trudge through the rest of this month then take a break on the 1st of July? IDK if its my diet (Ive actually 16:8 fasting the past few days, still out of shape though), if Im working my penis too hard or if the cause is stress (I have a ton on my mind.)

But lately Ive been doing solely clamping and pumping. My EQ ranged from good to okay before today. Even yesterday during on my rest days (My rest days are Saturday and Sunday) my EQ seemed OKAY. Now it seems to have deteriorated. I warmed up for ten minutes (10 sec kegel hold and release while doing so), then did the stretches where I wrap my flaccid unit around my wrist then tug with the other hand (not too hard though, I did 2 minutes holds ten times).

Hell I even got a moderate erection during the 5th stretch. Tried to do dry jelqs and Ulis but I couldn’t maintain a good enough erection for long so I skipped that and warmed up for another 5 minutes (10 sec kegel holds and release while doing so). Then I tried to do my clamps but my erection was weak (it was engorged and veiny, but still too soft/not hard enough, even down to 2 clicks). So I just went straight in the pump after get as hard as I could. Stayed in for 15 minutes and even implemented assisted girth pumping/milking techniques, but I could feel it doing very little.

Last week I called myself upping the intensity because I read on here that if you want to break a plateau you have to push yourself harder

3x ten minute clamps down to at the least the 2 to last click (with 5 minutes massages in between each set)
Massage for 5 minutes
Warm up for 10 minutes
Either a 15 minute pump + 10 minutes with fast milking or a 20-35 minute pump with fast milking.
Massage for 5 minutes
Warm up for 10 minutes

Also Im not a newbie. As a I said before, Ive been doing PE on and off for over 10 years. I might be consistent, but I am somewhat conditioned (or maybe Im not conditioned, and just experienced). This is the Ive stuck with PE.

Also my penis seems/feels slimmer than what the measuring tape tells me. Is that normal? Please give all the insight yall can this is making angry and sad at the same time.

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8



Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8


If you’re having EQ issues I’d suggest starting your decon break now or if you’re not ready to decon, add a rest day to your routine.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
If you’re having EQ issues I’d suggest starting your decon break now or if you’re not ready to decon, add a rest day to your routine.

Im in the middle of one now. Started the 18th of last month. Planning getting back into PE the 9th of this month but I still cant get 100% erections without stimulation (also not getting random boners). My EQ has improved since what I believe was overtraining. I will also admit my diet isnt the best and Im not an exerciser (Ill walk a great distance. Anywhere from 2 hours to 5. Not everyday though)

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8


I’d also suggest holding off on masturbation while on decon. Never forego sex for PE. Gotta have priorities.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

A couple important things,

Stop clamping forever

What is your age? Are we dealing with an age thing or is the PE related? My natural EQ drops happened at 32, 38 and 42. If I had done PE during this time I would be here telling everyone it was PE when it was just natural age. I always say that basketball players lose all their juice from 30-32, we are not online blogs for hours wondering why? It life and now we adjust. WE MUST BECOME MULTI ORGASMIC MEN AFTER 30.

Breaking the plateau is tough, it is a combination of pushing harder but doing it smarter (I’m experiencing one now) what is off the table is clamping, I’m 100% ok with a few ULI’s 1-2 minutes. What is on the table are bundle stretches, 5 x 5 x 3 , doing ADS, Wearing an extender for a few hours for a few weeks to change it up, Jelq again, always with RED + NIR for 30 minutes while doing stretches.

My first Decon was 9 months in on a strict newbie routine. Decon is great anytime you want it.

Again, as I said a million times and reported by many. Something about water pumping (not bathmate) get’s you more natural EQ. I have the strongest EQ now with water pumping, stronger than in my prime.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Last edited by Bemorethanbig : 07-05-2024 at .

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
A couple important things,

Stop clamping forever

What is your age? Are we dealing with an age thing or is the PE related? My natural EQ drops happened at 32, 38 and 42. If I had done PE during this time I would be here telling everyone it was PE when it was just natural age. I always say that basketball players lose all their juice from 30-32, we are not online blogs for hours wondering why? It life and now we adjust. WE MUST BECOME MULTI ORGASMIC MEN AFTER 30.

Breaking the plateau is tough, it is a combination of pushing harder but doing it smarter (I’m experiencing one now) what is off the table is clamping, I’m 100% ok with a few ULI’s 1-2 minutes. What is on the table are bundle stretches, 5 x 5 x 3 , doing ADS, Wearing an extender for a few hours for a few weeks to change it up, Jelq again, always with RED + NIR for 30 minutes while doing stretches.

My first Decon was 9 months in on a strict newbie routine. Decon is great anytime you want it.

Again, as I said a million times and reported by many. Something about water pumping (not bathmate) get’s you more natural EQ. I have the strongest EQ now with water pumping, stronger than in my prime.

Im 29, turning 30 September 5. Ive been looking into the newbie routine but its seems focused on length; Im adamant on wanting more girth (and EQ). So if I give up clamping, what are some noob friendly girth and EQ exercises? Ive looked into tunica scraping, Angion method (apparently you need a good EQ in the first place to practice AM), Assisted Girth Pumping. After talking with 32Quarters I made up my mind that Im going to add some more time to my decon (Im also going change my diet and lifestyle. Ive been looking into squat racks and treadmills for home over the past few weeks)

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8


When my EQ dropped it was pretty instant, it was just like the basketball players. Before it I could have sex with wifey twice a day, 5 days straight, no flinch nothing to even assume anything was draining. When I hit 32 to 42, I NEEDED a day off between sex. Last week in mid 40’s I had sex with wifey 5 days straight but I was multi orgasmic 2 of the 5 nights, and took my cum cocktail pills. That was enough to get me through our couples vacation.

If you are really just going for girth.

1. Do you have 2 cylinders with gauge? Are you using the cylinder size one up from the recommended?
2. 5 x 5 x 3 , Being on this for 4 months the D feels fuller all around.
3. I did ULI"S for a while and they are great, I have stopped because of 5 x 5 x 3 takes a lot out of me, but I will bring them back on my next routine

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

@Ash getting a good diet and workout goal is what I’m all about. I think no one should do PE unless they are doing what you are doing now.

A couple of things that helped me.

1. Don’t do a BODY transformation first, that is super hard and you need quick confidence boost. So I recommend doing only the workouts that would make women find you hotter. If it is arms, chest, glutes, whatever it is concentrate on that. Wifey told me one year ago that arms were most important. AFTER 14 freaking years of marriage she told me that shit, had I known I would have always had bigger defined arms, but she never told me. I say this because it is so hard to do your whole body, get one or two big wins and then continue, then just like PE for life it is gym for life.

2. Have a pretend stomach ulcer. Ulcers feel the worst ever, like your insides gave up. When this happened to me, I would look at fried food knowing it would give me pain if I ate it, so I reduced by 95% fried foods. I would look at anything with too much saturated fat as crazy food. Your mind will protect you once it knows what it is fighting for. If your mind gets a high from looking sexier it will protect you from eating things that don’t make you sexier. Having a body goal is too much of a vague and out of reach goal, have the top 3 body sections to focus on and go beast mode on that.

3. I only workout from home, I have no time to go to the gym. I also don’t stop when I start working out. I go straight into a cycle of 3 exercises each with 10-15 reps and then do those 3 for 3 reps and then do another 3 for 3 reps. I don’t stop moving, I don’t have time to wait and look at my phone like these gym morons. So I have transformed my body with just 5 dumbells 15-35lbs and running once a week. My last recommendation is not to buy a treadmill, workout with weights, don’t be concerned about losing weight but instead only on building muscle, then your whole body will transform with that mindset.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

A few perspectives in contrast to what has been suggested here:

I’m not sure your EQ issues are PE-related. Typically PE-related EQ issues resolve pretty quickly if they are related to overwork. I’m talking a day or two. So it might be stress or something more general. Our hormone profile is extremely sensitive to homeostatic variations, and a little stress bumping cortisol and adrenaline levels even slightly can offset even normal androgen levels. Plus there are a number of other hormonal variations that can affect libido and EQ. Also time of day, sleep quality, food choices, and much more have an affect. So keep that in mind if you’re having an off day, since it might be fairly transient.

If it isn’t transient then it might be that it is lifestyle. One thing to note is where is your libido along with what is your EQ. Good libido means good androgen balance. If your libido is high but your EQ is low and it goes on more than a day or two from hard PE training, it might be related to pelvic floor issues or some other penile hemodynamic issue. If this is the case, don’t get overly concerned, just look into how to work with it to offset it. It’s a little like getting tight muscles from weight training. It is a natural occurrence and you just need to introduce some mobility work to offset it.

In terms of becoming more healthy I do think lifestyle is most important. For some guys there is high motivation to be sexy to women but for many that kind of motivation has its ups and downs and often is not lasting.

For many, if not most, the best mindset for long-term health and wellbeing is just that—long term health and wellbeing. Feeling good and looking good go together, but feeling good and having the body functioning optimally is so rewarding and valuable that once you tip over into that realm (after putting in the effort for a while before that is noticeable) then it takes on a life of its own. You’ll avoid eating poorly because you feel physically bad when you do, sometimes for a few days. You’ll stop overindulging in alcohol and other drugs for the same reason. You’ll enjoy moving your body more and more, and you’ll find ways to have fun doing it. Weight training and cardio for heart health will feel like fun opportunities and your body will transform as a function of its health and wellbeing.

So I suggest that you find ways to enjoy being healthy in a way that is about being the best you that you can be, whatever that means for you, and that you make small, manageable changes that you can first make habits, then a lifestyle. Like PE, this is a lifestyle that is about the rest of your life, not a quick fix.

For most, changing everything all at once is a recipe for overwhelm and failure. So have aspirations but take it one step at a time.

I also strongly disagree about the clamping. I’ve been hardcore clamping for years and attribute most of my pretty significant girth gains to it. I’m not saying it is for everyone but I absolutely disagree with a position that no one should do it. I do pump regularly and I enjoy it and thin it is helpful, but if I had to pick one for girth I’d go with clamping for efficacy. I’ve never had EQ issues from clamping (or hanging/extending, for that matter) but I do get some transient EQ issues right after an intense pumping session. It does resolve quickly, though, and I’ve never had a loss of nocturnal erections from it.

A general point about my perspective as a 20+ year vet of PE: I almost never make a statement of universality about anything related to PE. Too many variables, too much variation between men’s responses and almost no science. It’s nearly all anecdotal and I think anyone who makes universal claims is either too enthusiastic or hasn’t been on the ride long enough to see all the variations. It always needs to be considered as their personal opinion and is not scientific in the least.

Rock out with your cock out!

I really appreciate all the answers in here everybody. Im king heed to everything you all said

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
When my EQ dropped it was pretty instant, it was just like the basketball players. Before it I could have sex with wifey twice a day, 5 days straight, no flinch nothing to even assume anything was draining. When I hit 32 to 42, I NEEDED a day off between sex. Last week in mid 40’s I had sex with wifey 5 days straight but I was multi orgasmic 2 of the 5 nights, and took my cum cocktail pills. That was enough to get me through our couples vacation.

If you are really just going for girth.

1. Do you have 2 cylinders with gauge? Are you using the cylinder size one up from the recommended?
2. 5 x 5 x 3 , Being on this for 4 months the D feels fuller all around.
3. I did ULI"S for a while and they are great, I have stopped because of 5 x 5 x 3 takes a lot out of me, but I will bring them back on my next routine

I have two cylinders. A 1.75 (12 inch, LeLuv) and a 2.0 (9 inch, ValSeal). Ive been using the 1.75 the most these past few months. I was using solely a 2.0 years ago

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8


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