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Help, I think I've broken my penis


Help, I think I've broken my penis

I’d been a really careful user before my injury whilst doing the modified newbie routine. I’d been at it for nearly 3 months getting good gains, stronger erections, no negative PI’s. The frequency of my routine was 4 days on and 3 days off. The routine consisted of the following up until five days ago:

Warm-up: 5 minutes in a hot shower, with shower head directed on the penis.

Followed with 8 minutes stretching using golf weights as a fulcrum. (Up, down, left, right)

16 minutes manual stretching.

24 minutes jelqing.

Pumping 3x10 minutes at 5 mg.

Then 9 minutes with a cock ring, and I used to finish my routine with 180 kegals.

I guess I got a little a head of myself and got careless. I thought I’d give hanging a go, Just to test the water and skimmed a few topics not being as thorough as I usually would have, (stupid I know) So after the routine above I delved into hanging. I put four golf weights on my penis then applied a wrap just below the glans, taking care not to wrap too tight. I must have been hanging for an hour, maybe a little less. There was no numbness, no decreased sensitivity, no pain, no change in glans colour although the head was cold. (And was cold for a quite while afterwards)

I did that last wednesday morning, and continued with the routine (minus the hanging) for another two days. I’m now having erection problems, it takes considerably longer to get an erection using stimuli, and even then the erection is soft and floppy. No morning wood (I can feel it stirring but it still stays flacid), If the problems percist I will see my GP. I’ve stopped PE for the immediate future, until it gets better (if it gets better) I’m guessing I’ve done some sort of nerve damage or venous leakage? I’m really worried that I’ve done some permanent damage and I’ll be like this for the rest of my life. And for what it’s worth I’m 26.

Any help would be appreciated.

Doubtful if it’s permanent damage. Sounds like you just over did it. Take a few days off.

Things should return to normal pretty quickly.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Sorry for the double thread guys.

God I hope you’re right Iguana, this has really scared me.

Don’t make me come down off my throne and bust your ass!

This is what you do after a glans numbing experience like that. Get your cross trainers on and walk briskly for thirty minutes. Do anything to get the circulation back into your dick right away!

Then take a few days off of PE.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Don’t make me come down off my throne and bust your ass!

Don’t make me come down off MY throne and kick your ass!

Like kingpole said, just take a few days in rest until normal erections return. Doubt it is permanent.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Ok, didn’t know if I should start a new thread or continue with this one, opted for the latter.

Regarding my situation, I recovered from my last injury, finished the newbie routine and had been into my sixth mouth of PE. I had been using the Vac-extender for the past couple of months, mainly stretching downwards, as a result the ligaments had been stretched quite well, and I was unable to feel any great tension whilst stretching in that direction.

I decided to stretch upwards hitting the tunica as I was feeling a greater tension whilst stretching in this direction. I ended up doing two sessions with the Vac-Extender hitting the tunica, Now at no time during these sessions did I feel intense pain, numbness, coldness, loss of colour or sensitivity. I felt an intense stretch but that was all. I took three weeks off to recover from these workouts. (As my erections were not as strong) during this time I did no PE. For the last two weeks I have been doing very light PE, three minutes stretch, three minutes jelq, every other day about three times a week.

I took some measurements the other day and it shocked me to be honest, I’ve lost about 3/4 of an inch of my NBPEL, that’s less than what I started with. My flaccid length has also decreased considerably, I did a search but found nothing relating to my problem.

What do you think has happened? What should I do next? And will I ever get back my gains?

If you are not feeling any pain go back to the basics. The Newbie Routine! Your warm up will need to be longer now at least 10-25 minutes. Warm up with a rice sock or some kind of more direct heat.

Schedule your PE for only 4 days per week. One day on one day off.
Gentle on the stretches.
Be gentle with your dick it can’t take the intense PE, a lite grip jelq or light vac-extender.
Warm down or cool down.

Loss in length is not uncommon. With “patience” and “father time,” you can gain back what you lost.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks kingpole, I was going to go back to basics anyway.

Really I just want to know why I lost 3/4 of an inch. Is the tunica damaged? If so has it healed in a shortened state? Can I stretch it out again? Is it fibrosis?

So many questions and no answers.

I have noticed when I tried to do jelqing hanging and extender work it was just to much I pulled the jelqing out and do light clam after my hanging to get the blood back in to my unit so far so good.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Originally Posted by diesel220
I have noticed when I tried to do jelqing hanging and extender work it was just to much I pulled the jelqing out and do light clam after my hanging to get the blood back in to my unit so far so good.

I’ve read in one of your posts that you clamp, hang & ADS, but that you don’t like jelqing. I understand how jelqing isn’t for everyone.

My question is, did you jelq to get your penis conditioned before you moved on to clamping?

Thanks. :)

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Little update: It’s been 4 months after my injury, Had an appointment to see a urologist at Bristol Royal Infirmary yesterday. Told him that I’d felt something go internally whilst stretching my penis, he gave me a quick examination. In his opinion I have a partial tear of the suspensory ligament. If it does not get better in the next 4-6 months, I’ll have to go back to have surgery where he will use stitches on the suspensory ligament.

I am sorry to hear about your injury. Please take the time you need to recover fully.

Was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction of medical literature, studies detailing this type of injury and treatment of said injury?

Originally Posted by Blessed
Little update: It’s been 4 months after my injury, Had an appointment to see a urologist at Bristol Royal Infirmary yesterday. Told him that I’d felt something go internally whilst stretching my penis, he gave me a quick examination. In his opinion I have a partial tear of the suspensory ligament. If it does not get better in the next 4-6 months, I’ll have to go back to have surgery where he will use stitches on the suspensory ligament.

What is wrong, as in what symptoms are you having?

If you partially tore your suspensory lig you got for free what some pay a lot of money for. If that’s the case, you should probably be hanging or stretching to take advantage of the condition and avoid contraction. Read about post-PE surgery protocols.

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