Thunder's Place

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Help me set my goals

Help me set my goals

I just found out about PE and I would like to start PEing. I have heard it doesn’t work in the past but I am open-minded and optimistic. The 1st thing I have noticed since joining the forum is the abundance of info on here. I have been sticking to the newbie routine and I’m almost one week in. With that being said I would like to start setting short term and long term goals but I have no idea about what possible gains CAN be and even less insight into setting up time frames for my goals. I would like to gain as much as possible. I’m currently 8 1/4 BPEL and 5 5/8 EG.

What short term goals can I look forward to achieving in what time frame ?

What long term goals can I hope for in the future.. Just how much can somebody gain?

Are there limits to how big one can get??

Thanks in advance.

Weird. You’re hung like a donkey and want our advice. Get outta here.

Hi taboothoughts,

Welcome to the forum.

Goals are supposed to be an attainable challenge, so for you 9x6 in a 6 month period might be a good one but it depends on what you want most (girth, length or both).

Some of the anecdotal evidence points guys with a girth like yours having found it harder to gain.

Hi memento, would you say that it works both ways? Will smaller people like myself gain more?

Originally Posted by memento
Some of the anecdotal evidence points guys with a girth like yours having found it harder to gain.

Which I’d take with a grain of salt. My penis is just under 6.5 inches in circumference Yet I’ve seen an initial gain of .25 inches in length in my first week of manual stretching (though I doubt such rapid gains will occur in the future).

Taboothoughts I am just about the same as you with same girth and just a little shorter length at 8 BP. I also am just starting out so let me know how it goes. My goals are to be 9 x 6.5 in 6 months. I’m not sure how much guys like us can grow but hopefully id say 9 x 6.5 is the limit that any girl would want. If she wants more than youll see her on mandingo’s website lol and for us I think it is achievable. Good luck to you bro.


No girth should effect lig gains and I guess that is what you are seeing. So you are absolutely right, girth shouldn’t effect those initial fast gains if they are there to be had.

Originally Posted by memento
Hi taboothoughts,

Welcome to the forum.

Goals are supposed to be an attainable challenge, so for you 9x6 in a 6 month period might be a good one but it depends on what you want most (girth, length or both).

Some of the anecdotal evidence points guys with a girth like yours having found it harder to gain.

If 9x6 is a good short term goal what is a good long term goal? 10x6.5? 11x7?

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