Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help... Me...

Help... Me...

I have a few questions that I have attempted to find within this forum already, but cannot.

1. What exactly are JAI stretches?

2. Streching or Hanging? Is one better than the other, or is it personal preference?


1) Johan's Active Isolated stretches: Basically pull for 2 seconds, release for 2 seconds, pull for two seconds and so forth. Why? Because of the muscle’s kick-back reflex to the stretch. After 2 seconds of stretching, the stretched muscle involuntarily contracts (in pe we are talking about the BC muscle, but this works in any kind of stretching).

2) It’s a matter of personal preference, but there’s more into it. In the long run you’ll most likely gain best from hanging, but it takes time to learn and it requires a lot of time converted to hang-time. I’d say the minimum is 60 minutes a day in hang-time (That’s atleast 90 minutes including resting between sets and attaching the wrap and hanger).
Manual stretching on the other hand can be learned quick and can produce fast initial gains, but in the long run the gains slow down and I’d say that ultimately everybody has to start hanging sooner or later, there just isn’t a better way to stretch your dick 15-20 minutes at a time.
This is a really wide subject, it’d take several pages even to explain the small amount that I know of the subject.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


Would you mind if I pasted #1 into a reply in my Jelqing/Stretching 101 thread?

I forgot to mention JAI and Rotary stretching, it seems. I’m sure there are others that I left out, too.

Heck, you can edit the post and add to the actual post if you want and have the ability. I wouldn’t mind. Just remember that it’s in the articles forum and the newbie forum. Either way is fine with me.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

You are welcome to do so. :)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


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