Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Swelling and itching - help needed

Swelling and itching - help needed

Hello there!

Taking the chance, big THANK YOU to the ones who create this great place.

I’ve been PEING for 3 months, being on linear newbie routine after 2 months I took a break for 7 days, then started one month-plan with minor tweaks to amount of jelqs and time of streches.
Around 4 days ago I started to see (1) a small swelling on the end of my skin just at my glans (I’m not circumcised) it itches too. (2) It’s much much harder for me to obtain an erection through sheer thoughts. (3) My penis feels smaller whether its flaccid during the day, night and while training. (4) Can’t see night woods.
I have constructed my routine so it’s progressive I thought this way I will be able to avoid overtrainig, but obviously it did not work out, oh and I’m on 2ON 1OFF shedule so far my routine day includes 4.5 min streches, 250 jeqls, 50 kegels, 7 min before&after hot wrap. Please explain me what is behind point (1)? - Never read about it, although I’ve read some decent amounts of articles. What time off would you suggest me before proceeding with the routine?


Starting 01-10-2015 (6.9 BPEL, 5.1 EG) / Humble goal 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG

World's Average BPEL 13.1cm x EG 11.66cm. Ideal BPEL 19.3cm x EG 14.2cm

There isn’t any objective sign that you have any injury, basing on what you said.

Oh and before these signs, my penis was much larger after doing the routine, now it doesn’t really hang lower than pre-training flaccid.

@Marinera, thanks for your super fast reply.
But don’t you agree those are the signs of NEGATIVE PI? I believe, before going any deeper into the overtraining I should let it rest for a week or so? Am I right?

Starting 01-10-2015 (6.9 BPEL, 5.1 EG) / Humble goal 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG

World's Average BPEL 13.1cm x EG 11.66cm. Ideal BPEL 19.3cm x EG 14.2cm

The swelling is more likely than anything else just a small scratch. Let me ask: do you check your nails length before stretching?

The other signs looks sings of anxiety more than anything else. Now, if you feel anxious about PE, probably it’s not a good idea to stick with it until it pass. You don’t need PE anyway, being over average in both dimensions, even accounti for meausre errors.

Thank you, you are right, about both.

Starting 01-10-2015 (6.9 BPEL, 5.1 EG) / Humble goal 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG

World's Average BPEL 13.1cm x EG 11.66cm. Ideal BPEL 19.3cm x EG 14.2cm

Last edited by Asa Nisi Masa : 01-03-2016 at .

Anxiety might have occured during a little gush I felt inside my shaft, since then I’ve been extremely coutious. I guess I need to straighten up my mind first.

Starting 01-10-2015 (6.9 BPEL, 5.1 EG) / Humble goal 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG

World's Average BPEL 13.1cm x EG 11.66cm. Ideal BPEL 19.3cm x EG 14.2cm


Pretty sure that 250 jelqs on 2 ON / 1 OFF schedule is too much for a person with 3 months of training. Long period with small flaccid (known as turtling), weak erections, loss in night wood might indicate overtraining.

In my opinion, take a rest until your wood return to normal, than downgrade to 50 jelqs on a lighter schedule like 1 ON / 1 OFF.

Itches could be coming from anything: excess of masturbation, tight grip when stretching, jelqing with soap or shampoo, handling you penis with dirty hands etc.

Anxiety is a problem. If this is your case, calm down and take it easy. Anxiety can wreck everything in a human being.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Nothing to add, guys answered here.


Thank you everyone for the input. So I didn’t write back as I though I’ll wait for some results. Here they are.

So after doing 2.5 months of PE I overdid it. My routine progression was steady so I felt secure, but I wasn’t taking my night and morning woods into consideration as far as EQ is concerned, thus it might have been the very reason of my overtraining. Learn from my mistakes. Fast forward 4 days, I’ve had night wood which actually woke me up - however I’m not and I wasn’t sure what was the cause of it, it might have been just the effect of sexual dreams rather than actual healing. So I decided to wait, today’s 11 day of no PE. I had morning wood, twice, so im happy about it, waiting till my erections get harder so I can jump into PE again, but with lower intensity till I progress it back to my normal routine.

Meanwhile those 11 days I could notice my flaccid getting more blood-filled and my ability of reaching erection getting easier. Today Im quite sure flaccid is back to normal, back then it was totally drained, turtled I would say.

Anxiety played a role too, I just didn’t know what is happening, making it even worse through negative thinking. Be safe guys! Cheers & sorry for my english.

Starting 01-10-2015 (6.9 BPEL, 5.1 EG) / Humble goal 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG

World's Average BPEL 13.1cm x EG 11.66cm. Ideal BPEL 19.3cm x EG 14.2cm

Last edited by Asa Nisi Masa : 01-12-2016 at .

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