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Help, Pe is making my dick soft


Help, Pe is making my dick soft

I was just wondering if other members have found that PEing has made the dick softer at full erection. Ive been doing PE for a couple of months and although i do regular kegels i seem to have lost the hardness to my erection. Is there any other things that can be done or used to improve hardness, after all im doing PE to improve sex but whats the point if its just a big floppy. Also my erection angle has decreased, is there any way to increase erection angle other than kegeling etc. Any thoughts would be helpful.

What’s your current routine? What kind of grips are you using on what exercises?

Im following a routine similar to the newbie routine except i finish with an ice bath. streches include a’s and v’s. For jelqs i am using an underhand grip. I am also experimenting with a type of strech where i use one hand behind the glans and one hand near the base and pull in opposite directions.

Take three or four days off and see if things return to normal, if so, you are doing too much, too soon. Start again slowly and don’t get in a hurry to add all kinds of exotic shit to your routine. Let us know how it goes.

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Try taking at least a couple weeks off from PE, and when you get back to normal and feel like you’re ready to start PE again, follow the Newbie Routine, except this time, jelq with an overhand grip, and for the first month or two, just do basic manual stretches in whatever direction you want to. Start out at 5 min.’s stretching and add 1 minute of stretching time per week.

I had problems when I first started into PE, but now I don’t have any problems at all. My erections are harder than ever. I would say that most of it was psychological, but I think some of it was gripping too close to the glans and underhand jelqing. Over hand jelqing allows the top nerves to be cushioned by the webbing on your hand.

Just remember that all this will pass, and when you start back into PE, take it easy at first and slowly increase your time and intensity. If you have anymore questions, go ahead and ask. Also, keep us updated on how things are going. Good luck,


Diito,It sounds like your getting in a rush. Done right PE will enhance erections by stimulating blood flow. I can relate to you because I got in a big hurry thinking I was too macho for the beggining shit. This caused my dick to be useless until I calmed down a little.


Hey SuperStroker…just how far back from the glans do you grip? I’ve been a bit softer than usual and I’m 99% sure it’s from practically crushing my glans when I pull. The thing is, the stretch when I do it is MUCH more intense then when I pull from a bit back. Feels like I’m simply pulling skin if I don’t anchor the grip at the glans.


Me too! :( ´I´m going to bite the bullet and take maybe a week off.

I have crap erections these days, little or no morning hard ons and it´s depressing me!

I´m going to rest completely, maybe do some BC exercises, and then get back to hanging next week.

I´ve been stretching with a tight grip just below the glans, so maybe that´s it.

Either way, I have to stop. I´m 18 and surely I shouldn´t be having soft erections! When I was about 16 they were rock hard, and I can´t remember the last time I had a rock hard erection.


I grip about an inch below the glans when I stretch. I do downward stretches and V-stretches. Doing this grip really works the ligs when I do my V-stretches. The only reason why I say to grip a little bit further away from the head is because when I use to stretch right behind the glans, I could feel most of the stretch impacting the very top, right behind the glans where those nerve bundles are. When I moved my grip away from the head, I felt the stretch hit the base, which is what I wanted. Actually felt like I was working something this way.


Yeah, take some time off, and when you come back, start extra slow. That’s what I did, and I’ve been fine ever since.

The same thing happened to me. What helped me with bloodflow is a higher fiber diet and at least 6 hours of exercise a week or 45 minutes a day. That along with kegels has made me hard as a rock.

Throw some GNC Arginmax in. I am now a believer in this stuff and NO,Im not the CEO of GNC.


Hey JD,

When you stretch, grab the glans as little as possible. When you are doing your a’s and v’s, you can probably get away without even touching it. I only grip right behind the glans when I’m doing downward stretching. Also, don’t touch it when you jelq.

I´m uncut, and can´t grip the shaft! I need the head to stop my hand from slipping off.

Any tips for doing A´s and V´s if you´re uncut? There´s just so much skin, and no grip.

I´m on day 1 of my 7 day break.

Exactly the same as me. Im uncut the only real place i can get a good grip is right behind the glans. Thanks for the comments guys.

I’m cut, but have alot of skin. The only place I really feel like I’m stretching the ligs or the tunica is right behind the glans, but my hand allways slides up and I end up pulling the glans. If I pull on the shaft it just feels like I’m mostly stretching out my skin.

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