Thunder's Place

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Help please ! BLOOD coming out and also toughened up feeling


Originally Posted by quim92

How much length you gained just by stething?

I am basically stretching V stretch bennets routine 3 times a day.5 days a week i do 7 min dry jelq, 10-15 min wet jelq. In between I perform 7 x 3 Ullis session and i do that thorout all the wet jelq time 3-4 times.

Btw, today i did 20-25 min jelq and added 7x3 ullis two times while jelqing and I did not bleed.

What sucks like a pain in the ass is that I got like a pus spot inside my shaft and I cant push it out….. aaarggh it hurts while doing Ullis. Wish i could take all that pus out….

Ughh, pus? Yea bro, ease off. Do you count chur jelqs?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

I jelq with one hand and the change it when i get tired, I do like 15-20 every minute, so about 80-100 in 5 minutes. So in 15 min I guess i do less than 300. I know I should be increasing the time, but i increase the number of Ullis instead and that is what is hazardous.

Originally Posted by quim92

I jelq with one hand and the change it when i get tired, I do like 15-20 every minute, so about 80-100 in 5 minutes. So in 15 min I guess i do less than 300. I know I should be increasing the time, but i increase the number of Ullis instead and that is what is hazardous.

You would do better to monitor the amount of jelqs you do, so you can slowly increase that number by the week in order to cause the body to keep reacting to the stress if you’re planning on sticking to jelqing for your months. Also, on PEGym, one official jelq is a jelq with one hand, then a jelq with another. Probably a reaction to people complaining about huge curved penis’s. Just helpin’ out bro. :0

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

thanks man :) I find jelqing with one hand much quicker and effective, you dont let the blood get away and and you cna give greater expansion. Some others do it too. I have gaind around half inch in 6 months so it isnt bad bro. I will increase up to 30 min gradaully. But sometimes when I got nothing better to do I am alreeady jelqing for 30 min, it is quite rare tho

Originally Posted by quim92

thanks man :) I find jelqing with one hand much quicker and effective, you dont let the blood get away and and you cna give greater expansion. Some others do it too. I have gaind around half inch in 6 months so it isnt bad bro. I will increase up to 30 min gradaully. But sometimes when I got nothing better to do I am alreeady jelqing for 30 min, it is quite rare tho

:0 Fast gaining, yeah dude I did that like once and decided to do half the session with one hand etc… You got such gains via jelqing and manual stretches?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"


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